Might get flamed for this...I've always loved Maile, and I definitely felt that rush of emotions when she was born, but I've never felt like we had a strong bond until the last couple of weeks. Having a third turned my life upside down, and I think I spent too long focusing on how hard it was, definitely had some resentment from how hard my pregnancy was. I feel like I've finally bonded with her like I did my other 2 when they were very young. It makes me feel guilty that it took this long, but glad that it finally happened.
Re: Did anyone not really bond with your child until they were older?
I think that makes sense. How are you supposed to bond with a newborn when you are also chasing around two toddlers?
It took me a long time to bond with my DD. I had a c-section and didn't get to hold her for a while. She cried all the time. Breastfeeding was a huge challenge. I just did not have fun for a long time.
I bonded with my DS immediately and deeply.
It honestly took a little while with both of my kids. I got horrible PPD and didn't really get it treated until it was very late in the game.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
yep, for me it was Audrey...she came a week early....(and this is lame and flameworthy) if she had waited 3 more days it would have saved us about $1500 towards insurance....she came out with colic and didn't stop crying until she was close to 6 or 8 months old...I can't even remember I just know I didn't have mushy feelings towards her until she was one for sure, but closer to 2 probably. She hated her car seat and would scream every.single.time we were in the car, so I couldn't go anywhere, and the day I went back to work with her I bawled tears of joy that I wouldn't be tied to the Muther Effer rocking chair with a screaming baby....seriously. and I felt guilty about it every day.
Did I treat her differently? no...I loved her and cuddled her and tried to comfort her and did everything pretty much the same (minus needing to divide time with #1), but did I enjoy it like I did with #1? No, not really.
No flames from me.
And chances are anyone who flames you (and me) just doesn't get it.
All of this except I had a tramatic vaginal birth (4th degree tear and a baby that wouldn't/couldn't breathe- she spend 48 hours in special care).