DD received money from her Great-Gma for her 2nd birthday. G-Gma thought it would be nice for DD to get a nice baby doll and a doll stroller or doll crib. She jumped to American Girl first, but I told her we could wait on that one for a while. My preference is for a non-battery operated doll. I can't believe how many out there now cry and wiggle, etc. with motion sensors. I can't stand those.
So, do you have any recommendations for a 2-3 yr. old?
Re: Baby doll and doll stroller recs?
DD have several of the FP Little Mommy dolls
and she has this stroller
She loves them...and most basic dolls are just $20 or so. They also have extra clothes you can buy, and other accessories. My only complaint is the toy bar on that stroller comes off easily, so we just leave it off most of the time. It will send Nat in hysterics when it comes off, so I put it up.