Alabama Babies

This formula thing is getting more frustrating!!

Aubrey has been not taking as much formula as she used too since 9 months....Her pedi still wants her to get 24oz's a day and yeah that is not working so hot.  Some days I can get 16 in her but it's consistently becoming less than that.  She just pretty much refuses to take more than a couple of ounces at a time.  I am trying everything I can think of...hiding it in other foods, giving it to her in the sippy, etc.  She just isn't interested.  My pedi gave me the okay for whole milk at 11 and a half months but that is still a month away.  I'm not sure what to do?  She is getting yogurt once a day and of course is eating table foods as well, but I'm just worried about the lack of formula do to the nutrients and the fact that my pedi is so insistent on 24oz's.  Very frustrating! 

Re: This formula thing is getting more frustrating!!

  • They make vitamins for babies (I wouldn't try them without talking to your pedi), and maybe you could add some of that to the yogurt.  Just looking at the national boards, I think it is more common than you think. 
  • Maybe cutting back on solids would make her hungry and so she would take more formula???  At least for the next month maybe.
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  • our pedi said we can start adding whole milk (like half/half bottles - or milk in a sippy) at 9 months - so maybe another phone call would be good?  she's ALMOST a year so you'll only struggle with this for another few months :)

    I also remember trying to make sure Avery was getting enough BM at that time.  I would nurse her before dinner just so she was getting some BM and then not eating so much for dinner that she didn't want to nurse later.   That was hit or miss. 

    some pedis are really insistent on certain things... our pedi is a little more laid back. 

    I hope you find a solution!

  • Allie never drank as much formula as the "average" baby was.  I remember when it said she should be drinking 24-30 oz a day, we were doing good to get 16 in!  I would say as long as she is gaining weight, she should be fine.  For us, weaning off of formula was the best thing.  She became a better eater, and actually seemed to prefer whole milk  more than she ever did to formula.

    Also, I was worried about not getting all the nutrients she needed every day, so I would say when she was about the same age as Aubrey, we started her on Poly-vi-sol vitamins (her pedi approved.)  She still gets that vitamin every night before brushing her teeth.

    Allie ~ 01/26/09 ~ 7 lbs, 9 oz ~ 20.75 in. & Amelia ~ 03/16/11 ~ 8 lbs, 1 oz ~ 21 in.

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  • I think another call to the pedi is in order then.  I'll ask her about the vitamins and also maybe since she is still consistently taking less she'll let me go ahead and try doing half and half...I really think she is just tired of the formula. 

    I don't think it's a problem of her getting too many table foods.  I always give the formula first about an hour before eating food then she eats the food.  It's consistently 2oz's here and there with her no matter when I give it to her. Like example..she takes her last bottle of the night at 7:30pm...she gets up at 7am..she will still only take about 2oz's even after sleeping through the I then mix the rest of her formula into her oatmeal.  You'd think she'd be starving after sleeping 12 hours and want all six ounces.  It just baffles me but I know it's pretty common at this age from what I have read and talked to other mom's about...but still frustrating none the less :)  

    One thing I am going to try out that a lady at my MOPS meeting this morning was telling me about is to mix the formula, yogurt, and some fruit into a smoothie and see if she'll drink that.  I figure it's worth a shot.  

    Thanks for ya'll's help...I'll call her pedi again and tell her my concerns...maybe she'll consider letting me start transistioning her or okay the vitamins :)  

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