Getting ready for a yard sale and holy crap!!!! ?We already gave away over half the baby girl clothes and there is still so much to get rid of. ?Maybe we should consider nudism.. criminy.
On the same note... anyone need some 12-24month boy stuff??? ?Speak now and it's yours.
Re: so. many. clothes.
did I hear, boy stuff???
Signed, the Mom of the 4 month old in 12 month clothing.
LOL is he really??? ?Holy heifer!! ?He's going to look like a Viking at age 7 at the rate he's going. ?A really, really cute Viking. ?:-)
So, yeah. ?Winter crap, summer crap, footed pj crap, you name it. ?Some of it is fug, most of it is pretty nice, some of it never got worn at all...
Still got my email or do you need it??
I just emailed you.
Yeah, he's enormous. I am so glad that I work out and that he's a relatively mellow kid who doesn't have to be held all the time.
If there's leftovers from Beth's giant, my 12 mo old in 12 mo clothing would take some.....we're still off seasons from Ben.....I don't have your email, but I'll PM you.