45 years ago tomorrow, my Grandma gave birth to her twin boys (my uncles, obviously)
& I really hope August 19th is the birthday for Mason & Max.. I am sooo ready to meet these boys. I can't even describe the feeling.. Im getting super anxious, & for some reason it's weirding me out that I have been carrying them for what seems like years and I don't know what they even look like.
Re: 45 years ago
Awww. That is neat about your history of mults.
I remember being in the home stretch and being soooo excited to meet my girls. They ended up being super-ripe at 38w5d but well worth the anticipation. Best of luck in these coming days/weeks....
That would be pretty cool if you had your twins tomorrow. I'm hoping to have our twins on my Dad's birthday in October (he passed away when I was 18) It's right around the same time I'd be induced at 38 weeks.
Here's hoping you have some labour tonight! Good luck!