Cloth Diapering

Does anyone make their own CD's / inserts?

If so, is there any savings or does it end up being about the same as purchasing ready-made products? 

I saw online that there are a bunch of patterns, free or for sale, and fabric that you can order.  I'm mostly wondering about hemp inserts / prefolds, since some sites have them for almost $8/ea.  It seems like I should be able to buy the materials and make them for a lot cheaper, but I really need to research the size I would need and how many layers.....

Also, there are some super cute diaper patterns, but do I need to purchase a $65 snap press in order to make them?  For the DIY-ers, how do you make your diapers?

Re: Does anyone make their own CD's / inserts?

  • I am a first-timer so I'm definitely interested in hearing others' opinion on this. So far, I've made four diaper covers for $20. Here's what I did:

     1. Bought this pattern. The directions can be a bit confusing, but if you have simple sewing experience then you can figure it out.

    2. We used both flannel and a cotton/poly blend. Made two covers with each and put a layer of PUL in between two layers of fabric.

     3. The pattern includes directions for both covers and AIOs. I have only made the covers so far. My plan is to use the covers with prefolds and maybe buy a few AIOs for trips to Granny's, etc. We shall see...

     Here's a pic of the first "prototype" we made.


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  • imagesbhughes09:

    I am a first-timer so I'm definitely interested in hearing others' opinion on this. So far, I've made four diaper covers for $20. Here's what I did:

     1. Bought this pattern. The directions can be a bit confusing, but if you have simple sewing experience then you can figure it out.

    2. We used both flannel and a cotton/poly blend. Made two covers with each and put a layer of PUL in between two layers of fabric.

     3. The pattern includes directions for both covers and AIOs. I have only made the covers so far. My plan is to use the covers with prefolds and maybe buy a few AIOs for trips to Granny's, etc. We shall see...

     Here's a pic of the first "prototype" we made.


    just a little FYI - with that combo you could have wicking issues.  i tried to make one diaper with a hidden layer of PUL and it wicked every time i tried to use it, so it's pretty much useless.  if you want to make covers to go over fitteds and prefolds, just do cute fabric on the outside and pul on the inside and skip anything else.

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  • Question: What is wicking? and PUL?

     I think it'd be really awesome to make your own! And your's is so cute!! Go you! 

  • wicking is when the moisture is pulled to the outside, usually though seams and around the legs, etc.

    PUL is polyurethane laminated fabric.  basically it's fabric that's laminated to make it waterproof.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • My MIL is coming to visit Sept 1-7th and I'm going to ask her to walk me through making some from a pattern I'm going to buy online.  Big Smile  I have PUL ready, just need to pick out fabrics. 
  • I've been making fitteds.  I make them sized with Velcro (I haven't ordered any Aplix or Touchtape) out of flannel and fleece.  My pattern is one hodgepodged from free patterns with foldover laundry tabs, gussets, and a pocket like my Applecheeks has.  

    I don't plan on ever selling them and they aren't beautiful, but they are functional and fun. 

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  • i forgot to add the ones i've made/am making are from the very baby one sized fitted pattern.

    it uses snaps, but you don't have to buy the expensive snap press, just a pair of snap pliers will work (that's what i'm using)  and i recomend for snaps and pliers and whatnot.

     as for price, it really depends on what materials you use.  if you use cheap materials then ya, you'll save money, if you use more expensive stuff then you might not save much.

    for the hemp inserts/doublers i've made i just used one of my MF inserts as a pattern and i did 2 layers of hemp with 1 layer of zorb in the middle.  (you can get the zorb at

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  • You can save lots of money making your own diapers.  I've made a few using the free Rita's Rump pattern.  I altered the pattern to make fitteds (instead of pockets) by closing the back and adding a bit of elastic.I used flannel for the inside and outside layers and an old towl for the soaker.  I've also used an old undershirt for the soakers.  If you buy old recieving blankets and towels at Goodwill, you could make a diaper for $2-$3. 

    I've made some with velcro and some I close with a Snappi.  I haven't made any with PUL yet, but I don't think it will be too hard.  Had I known how cheap diapers are to make, I wouldn't have bought so many.

    I think prefolds and hemp inserts might cost about the same to make as to buy new.  Buying used would be cheaper, and more eco-friendly.

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