I can't even watch Amber and Gary any more--I just have to skip those parts. I feel so bad for Catelyn and Tyler--they're just so young, I definitely don't think they're going to make it. I think he'd do better getting past the adoption issues if he didn't have cameras in his face, constantly reminding him of it. They definitely made the right choice. Maci's on my nerves right now, too, with Kyle. The looseness of the nautilus in her car made me want to throw up! And Farrah, for some reason, I'm just feeling bad for her right now, though I've never liked her.
What are your thoughts?
Re: Did we discuss teen mom?
Farrah got taken by a classic fraud trick. I'll send you the shipping money, cash the check and then send me the money? I do feel bad for her. I think her mom acts very fake.
Amber and Gary should not be together.
I agree about Kaitlyn and Tyler. I do not think they will make it. There are a lot of issues there.
I watched it last week (didn't see it this week yet), and all I kept thinking about is, "what was I like at that age?" I mean, to a high schooler, everything is a much bigger deal than it really is. We have all been like that at some point. It is hard not to scrutinize over every little dumb thing they say or do because I almost feel like they should be my age just because our kids are the same age; you know? But they're not, and even though they have kids, they don't have the same life experiences.
Like Catelyn and Tyler...truthfully, how many high school couples did you know who thought they were SO in love? I knew a lot. I find it crazy for 17 or 18 year olds to be going to couple's counseling. I mean, you are so young. If it doesn't work, you have lots of time to find someone else. They do need counseling on their own though, because their parents are messed up. I hope they can get away from that.
I did feel bad for Farrah last night.
There's been a bunch of people taken by that scheme in town lately -- there was just a news story on it.
Amber is the most annoying person alive. Gary's not much better.
Catelyn and Tyler are a hot mess.
Maci's boyfriend is fug ug in the mug. And I think he's distracting her from being a good mom.
I am starting to feel bad for Farrah too. I think her mom is very controlling and spoiled that girl too much. I can't believe she fell for the "I'll send you 8,000 and you wire me $3,000" ummm HELLO! And omg I knew Sophia was going to fall of that bed.
I love Maci but really hated how she was pushing her son to like whathisface and making the baby give him a kiss and telling the dude to change the kids diaper...WTF is wrong with people? You want to date them, go crazy but why do they have to be your kids parent right away?
Amber is a f*cking mess. I think she's bipolar.
I feel bad for Tyler. I think he's a good kid and smart and I think this will change who he is forever and I don't know if he'll ever be at peace with the adoption choice
Amber is an f*ing moron, she sees no fault in anything she does, and although Gary is a moron too, she needs to take some of the blame for her issues. I wonder where he was able to rent an XXXL bunny suit?
Maci is overall a good mom but her immaturity is showing, I think it is super weird for a toddler to spend a weekend in a dorm room. I feel bad for her Quasimodo boyfriend, there is no reason for that man to be having to change a diaper yet. She is pushing the "love me, love my child" thing too much for it being early in a relationship.
I just feel so bad for Farrah when she ugly cries all over the place. She really is learning her lessons the hard way and for that I feel horrible for her. She really is trying to do the right thing, she just insn't so smart. Sophia is adorable though and seems happy.
I am curious where Tyler and Caitlyn live, obviously it is the only city in the country that still has a Hills, because that is where is seems he gets his clothes...They need to break up but they are so co-dependent. I feel bad for Caitlyn and her little brother though- everytime I see her meth-head mom smoking all over the house it makes me sad.
did you see the scenes for the next episode? where Caitlynn's mom is in her face basically yelling at her, she said she didn't want her to give her baby up for adoption and then told her to get the f out of her face.
GET OUT OF MY HOUSE AND DON'T EVER PROPOSE TO ME AGAIN! That was the winning line last night from Amber. She's so f*cking dumb and crazy. The bunny suit was horrifying, too. She and Gary should fall of the face of the earth. I think their child would be better off.
Catelynn and Tyler...Tyler was being a douche. But the reality is they both need to get the f*ck off MTV and deal w/ the issues they both have surrounding the adoption and then deal with any relationship issues (or they should break up and not deal with relationship issues). Staying on the show is keeping both of them from ever getting to a point where they can deal with the adoption and start moving forward with their lives. All it does is pigeon hole them into being that story - the kids who gave up their baby for adoption. Catelynn's mom is disgusting. Ick.
Maci - baby in a go kart? REALLY? I think she's okay for the most part - never been a huge fan, but by comparison she was better than most of the others. Regardless, she's also ridiculous right now. The boyfriend thing was stupid, too.
Farrah. OMG, Farrah. The whole time, I'm yelling at the tv - it's a scam, you moron! MH thinks it was scripted for drama, so maybe, but I cannot believe she left the baby on the bed. This whole mess might be the straw that breaks my Teen Mom watching. It was just all around horrifying.
I am starting to feel bad for Farrah too. All I kept thinking last night was "wire me the $3000" should have been a huge red flag!!!! But, then I remembered she IS only 18 and she probably doesn't really know much about that kind of stuff yet. Her mom is a whack job. I couldn't get over last week's episode with Sophia's b-day and how her parents just pretended that Farrah wasn't even there!!! She blatantly asked them to wait a minute while she read Sophia her card and they kept continuing what they were doing - wtf????
Does anyone else think that because there are camera crews there that Farrah thinks they're also kinda watching the baby for her?? Last week she had Sophia in the sink for a bath while she was in the other room and before that, she left her in the hallway at her apartment for what seemed like forever!!!
Amber & Gary - enough said!!!!
I do like Maci but think she was trying to push too hard for Bentley to like Kyle. I mean, give the kid time to warm up and if the first meeting doesn't go so well it doesn't mean he doesn't like him!!!!
Catelynn & Tyler are from Michigan. I feel bad for them. I'm not sure they'll make it either but her mom is no good for her or her little brother.
This is how I feel about all the kids on this show. And this show in general. It is so exploititive. 16 yos (their age when they were first on the show) is not old enough to make a decision about exposing your life (and your baby's!) on telelvision for the whole nation to criticize and judge. And while I'm sure their parents signed off on it, clearly their parents aren't doing their jobs quite right or they wouldn't be in their situations to begin with. And I'm not just talking about being pregnant, because I know that happens to a lot of kids with good parents, but the entirety of their situations. Like Catelynn and Kyle - there are no adults, not even their counselor, suggesting that maybe being engaged at 17 is a dumb idea. None of these kids has a responsible adult in their lives. I have only watched a few episodes because a friend works on the show and I wanted to show support. But I can't watch it anymore. MTV can talk all they want about educating the public, but their goal is to get ratings and make money and they're doing on the backs of underage girls and their innocent babies.
I'm with you. Initially, I didn't think too much about it, but after last night and Farrah falling for that scam and her kid falling off the bed - it's just all so gross. Obviously, the cameramen and producers could probably see all of that happening but let it to get the footage and not get involved. It's sickening me. I took it off our DVR last night.