Wow I haven't been over here in quite some time. Breif history...(I will be 36 in Oct) we have 2 preschoolers and struggled with IF to get them and are extremely greatful. We have decide our family is not yet complete. At this point we are not really trying but we are not preventing either. So here is my question. I was recently prescribed progestornoe to end an extremley long cycle (very typical for me). I took 1 pill last night, but I also experienced EWCM and we took advantage of that last night. Today I have what could be O pains so, should I continue taking the Rx and scrap the cycle or should I wait and see....WWYD???
Re: Cycle Question
from my understanding prog helps with PG so I would think keep taking it! But definitely call your doc. Don't listen to me.
Holy Crazy Bump!!! Sorry about that!
I was finishing by saying that once your progesterone drops AF will make her appearance
I was thinking wait and see, but what the other girls said about progesterone makes sense to keep taking it. Can you call the doc to ask her advice?