so, i've been MIA for a of my twins has been diagnosed with kidney reflux and currently has an infection...they are worried if the infection passes into his spinal fluid he could get ecoli menengitis (i had kidney reflux as a child and it did progress into ecoli meningitis and kidney reflux is one of those hereditary things so thats why they were tested and thank God they were) so ive been having to take his temp and pay him a bit more attention...he is currently on antibiotics and appears to be doing well...we have an appointment with the urologist who will be following him...his pedi has mentioned that it would probbaly be better to circumcise him since he is more prone to infections and thats not a good thing with the reflux but I dont know...i reallly dont want just 1 of my boys circumcised and i thought that it really didnt matter...what are your thoughts???
then my other twin has been diagnosed with a heart murmor as of yesterday so now he needs to go to a specialist many doctors appointments...and no help so i have to drag all 3 kids along to all these appoinments...very draining!!!
Re: ugh!
I'm sorry you have to deal with all of this, but it sounds like your DS is doing well on the antibiotics. I hope that your appointment for other DS's heart murmur goes well.
I don't have two boys, but DH wanted DS circumcised, no question about it. I really didn't think about it, but was fine with his decision - DS did really well, and it healed up nicely. If your doctor is recommending that your son be circumcised to prevent infections, I would follow his advice, and maybe have your other DS circ'ed as well...
Good luck.
I'm sorry you have all these appts...but that is good that your DS is doing so well with the antibiotics...and FWIW lots of kids are found to have a heart murmur young, and then it disappers on its own (good that a specialist is checking it out tho of course)
as far as the circumcision goes, I would consider having both your sons done if the pedi is recommending it...I left the decision up to my dh if we had boys (we didn't) but if we ever do they will be circumsized per dh...and I am fine with that...GL!