
Stupid first tri concern after first u/s

Since I have not had a period (I was bfing) I am not completely sure on my dates.  However, we are pretty sure we pinpointed when it happened.

I figured I was about 5 weeks 3 days yesterday when I had my u/s. The tech said it was measuring 4 weeks 5 days.  (Gestational sak and yolk sak.)  She said everything looked fine and normal and to come back in a week and she was confident we would have a heartbeat.

However, if I am only 4 weeks and 5 days it seems like it would be impossible for me to get a positive test when I did.  I guess I am just worried this little guy or girl stopped growing;(  UGGGG why can't I relax?  Anyone else have something similar happen and everything be ok?

As a side note I have had no bleeding/cramping/history of m/c and they were taking my hcg levels up until last fri and they were well over doubling.  Thank you so much for reading my rambelings and for any insight!

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Re: Stupid first tri concern after first u/s

  • My first u/s with DD was off by four days- I'd been charting and got a bfp at 10dpo so I was positive of the day I concieved. She's a happy, healthy three-year-old now so everything turned out just fine. Good luck- I'm guessing everything is fine!

    Nadia Irene 8/13/07 Reid Owen 8/18/09
  • Thanx PMQ;)  I needed that;)  It just seems crazy that I got a positive test sooooo early if I am at the point she said I am.  Ok...going into relaxation and feeding kids breakfast mode!
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  • Jenn awesome!  That was the kind of story I was looking for.  Your kids are adorable!
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  • My first US with DD showed her about 6 days behind where I should have been.  With a history of miscarriages everyone, including my doctor (RE), was a little concerned.  But, by the next ultrasound, about a week later, she was right where she needed to be.  Now she's a happy healthy 17month old.  Try not to worry.  Good luck to you.
    Susie, mom to DS 4/10/07 and DD 3/6/09 (MC 9/05, 2/06) Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I thought I was 7 weeks at my first appt with Noah, but they told me I was 5 w 5 d.  That's 9 days difference.  Scary.  I thought my Edd should have been 12-27-06, but they told me 1-5-07.  Noah was born 12-23-06.  I've always wondered if he was that early or if really they screwed up my initial EDD, although he did grow pretty consistent with that date.

    eta: Oh, and with the date they gave me, that put me finding out at 3 w 3 d pregnant.  So, WAY early.  

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