
Anyone have a City Mini?

Does anyone have the city mini? What do you like about it? Dislike? I'm having a hard time deciding on a stroller but am leaning towards this one. TIA.

Re: Anyone have a City Mini?

  • Likes: fits through doors, lightweight, easy to steer, LOs seem comfortable

    Dislikes: only one - the basket under the stroller is tiny and hard to reach


    Good luck! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Oh, one more dislike - it doesn't come with drink holders - you have to buy them separately.  

    One more like - great sun shades!! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • i don't have one but know many who do and love it... i have tested it and really liked it - the fold is awesome (on all BJ strollers really).

    depends on what you want it for... if you want it for long walks on bumpy terrain- it won't be the best b/c it has small wheels... but for your average every day stuff- it's a great stroller.

  • fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • I don't have the city mini but I have the city micro. I LOVE it.I have the same dislikes as pp but I love that it folds flat, is light weigh and its easy to handle.

  • I can't open your blog. It says page not found. Can you post your review?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We have one and use it for most of our walks...

    Likes - lightweight, sunshades are awesome, fully reclines, easy to steer.

    Dislikes - basket underneath is hard to reach and doesn't hold much, doesn't fit through all of our doors (but we live in an older house so that may be why - we just keep it out on our sun porch).

    I really like it, though.  We also have the Maclaren Twin Triumph, and I like the City Mini a lot more (the Maclaren is more of an "indoor/mall" stroller.

  • Strange; no idea why the link didn't work.

    My Review of Baby Jogger City Mini Double - Green/Gray

    Toys R Us


    The City Mini double was designed to be one of the most light weight, easiest folding swivel wheeled strollers on the market. Customizable from birth and beyond, the City Mini is the ideal lightweight travel stroller that maintains all the safety standards and style you'd expect from Baby Jogger.

    Baby Jogger City Mini Double - Green/Gray

    One of the best double strollers out there

    Mom of Twin Boys Columbia, SC 6/27/2009
    5 5

    Pros: Easily Stowed, Durable, Easy to Set Up, Comfortable, Adjustable, Smooth Ride, Easy To Maneuver

    Cons: Poor/No Cupholders

    Best Uses: TWINS, Infants, Toddlers

    Describe Yourself: Parent of Multiples (Twins etc), First Time Parent

    I spent weeks researching what double stroller to get after my twins outgrew their Double Snap n Go. Although it was more expensive than we wanted to pay, I kept coming back to the City Mini double.
    * Seems very comfortable for the babies (my boys are almost 6 months and about 18 lbs. each).
    * The BEST sunshades I've seen on a double stroller! Great coverage and they give you several options for how much coverage you want. Nice "sunroofs" too, so you can see your little ones while pushing.
    * Folding and unfolding are extremely quick and easy.
    * Fairly lightweight for a double, takes up little space when folded.
    * Wide enough to provide room to grow, yet so far I've had no trouble fitting it through standard doorways.
    * Steers like a dream, can easily steer it one-handed.
    * Turns on a dime. Zero turning radius; very easy to maneuver.
    * Many reclining positions, very easy to adjust on each seat.
    * Storage (mesh pockets on back of seats, small-ish basket underneath, can only be accessed from sides. Can't even fit my normal-sized backpack diaper bag under it ... and yet there are signs saying not to hang bags from stroller handle. What are you supposed to do?)
    * 5-point harnesses (the way they attach and adjust is so-so). The crotch strap is really long on smaller babies, and with the arm straps shortened enough for 5-month-olds, there's tons of extra strap hanging out (which the babies love to suck on ;)).
    * The Baby Jogger accessories are very pricey. If you wanted just a belly bar, and a cupholder and/or snack tray for the kids and parent(s), it would add up fast. For the price, they really should include at least the belly bar if not the other accessories.
    Other than that, no complaints! Wonderful stroller.


    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • love my city mini!  it pushes like a single and fits thru every door i've encountered. like pp said basket is small, but there r two storeage pockets (1 behind each baby).


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