I delivered my twins via c-section almost 8 weeks ago (Thurs), I BF off an on the first week and switched to formula exclusively. I have yet to get my first PP period. For other MoMs, when did you get yours?
I pumped for three weeks, then exclusively formula fed. I had a c-section and tons of bleeding and complications from it. Not sure if that was the reason, but I was still bleeding when I went in for my pp appointment at 7 weeks. My doctor asked me if I had gotten my first pp period and I said I had no clue cause the bleeding never stopped (it would get heavy, light, heavy..) I got put on BCP and eventually the bleeding went away. I got my period before the active pills were even up. My body is still messed up!
Re: First PP period (c-section/FF)?
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
I had section and FF with Emerson and got my first pp period at week 10 after having her.