I am placing an order for clothing (stick-on, not iron-on) labels and bag tags for Eric since he is soon starting kindergarten. Any recs for stick-on labels that stand the test of time? I hate to spend $$ on something and find that they peel off quickly. I am currently looking at mabelslabels.com but wondered if there are others out there that people like? Thanks!!

Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
Re: Recommend your kid labels please
I've been using Oliver's Labels and love them. They have iron on, stick on and thick plastic tags (with a mini chain) that you can attach to anything.
They also have a really cool tracking system at no extra cost. So if a tagged item is found the finder could visit the website, give the tracking number, receive a postage paid bag. The item would be sent to the company and then to you. The stick on labels have survived countless washing machine and dishwasher cycles perfectly. They also have tons of cute designs.