
Help with pants-tall skinny kid

My Jonathan will be 5 in a month.  He is very skinny but tall and has outgrown size 4 pants for length but not for waist.  I tried getting a 5 slim and they were huge around his hips/butt and leg area.  I have tried TCP, Gymboree, Kohl's Jumping Beans, Lee, and Sonomas and nothing fits him.  :(  I have the jeans pulled to the last of the adjustable waists and it's everywhere else that is big.  Any suggestions?

Re: Help with pants-tall skinny kid

  • I was going to suggest TCP.

    Have you tried buying him a belt?

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • It's everywhere else now but his waist.  I can adjust the pants to where they fit on in the waist but he swims in the hips and legs area.

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  • You may just have to live with it. I have DS pants cinched in like that, and even the slims are big all over.

    He's about 43 inches tall and 37-38ish pounds. The 4s are looking like floods and the 5s are dragging.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • Have you tried Gap Kid's slims? I think they're pretty narrow. Honestly, you might even try buying skinny jeans in a slim.
  • imagemommyof4boys:

    It's everywhere else now but his waist.  I can adjust the pants to where they fit on in the waist but he swims in the hips and legs area.

    I've found we just have to kind of live with that look until she grows a bit more. Have you tried the slims at Gymboree? If you look at the size chart, the waist is about 2 sizes smaller than the length in the slims. (DD1 is only one size smaller in waist than length so we just live with the cinched look.) What about Crazy 8? I think they may have slim sizes too.

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • My son is the same way, even TCP slims are big on him.  I really like the Lee's slims though they fit nicely all over.  I get them at Kohl's
  • We bought him Lee Slims.  We may just have to deal with it.
  • crazy 8 has some "rocker jeans" that are slimmer in the hips and legs.   both my dc are on the slim side.  poor dd has outgrown her 3T in length but cannot wear the 4T slim skinny jeans from Target (which is usually our standby for slimmer jeans... I buy jeans for both there).  ON used to run on the smaller side, but I haven't shopped there in a bit, so I'm not sure about now.  ds is potty training so we're facing this problem in the fall. but his 2t pants are too short, 3t are too long and wide.  I just don't know what we're gonna do???  dd can wear tights and leggings... but ds... poor ds.  ???   I'm hoping the rocker jeans work. 
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