E's 4.5--he has finally learned to say his "L's," though he still says it like a "W" if he is talking fast and not paying attention. His "R's" are also still "W's." Bella has never said any of them wrong, so I can't really compare the 2. I don't want to overreact, but I also do not want to let something go if we need to get help for him in the next year or so. I have a cousin who is 13 now and STILL says "W" for "R." E can occasionally say the "R" sound, but it doesn't happen easily for him.
Re: At what point do you worry that a child says a letter wrong?
I got all my 2nd grade spelling tests wrong because I spelled 'rabbit' W-A-B-B-I-T.
I wouldn't worry about it.