with DD and it is such a nice place! DD spiked a fever out of now where yest and it quickly rose to 104.9 (even with Tylenol given the hour before and a bath). We were transferred from Goodnight Pediatrics to the hospital ER for further evaluation. DD had to get an IV, bloodwork and blood cultures, cath urine specimen, chest xray and a strep culture. She was septic at 7mo old from Salmonella so I felt like we were re-living everything ALL over again The only test we didn't have to go thru again was a spinal tap (thank goodness!)
We were sent home at 1am and told we had to wait for the blood cultures to grow (48 hours). We did have a follow up with our primary pedi this morning and got antibiotic coverage till results come in.
All in all, the nurses and DR. on call were all VERY nice.
Re: Just had to experience Children's Methodist Hospital...