Now that my LOs are sleeping for a longer stretch when we put them down at night (about 6 hours), I'm waking up to feed them with WICKED painful boobs. I really don't want to set my alarm in the middle of their 6 hour stretch to what do I do?
I've been pumping before I go to bed, which is about an hour and a half after they go down...but it's not helping. Will the boobs ever adjust? Last night was so bad, I woke up about 5 hours after they went down and my boobs were literally SPRAYING milk. MH thought it was hilarious. Me, not so much!
Re: BF'ing + Sleeping longer = ouch!
your body will get used to it and adjust.
I EP'd and never once pumped in the middle of the night- my body was used to it... I was pretty engorged when i woke up - but nothing horrible that i couldn't handle.