Cloth Diapering

Huggies UGH!!!!

I hate huggies, I thought I would use them when my son was born, but every time I use them they leak bad. It's like the diaper don't get wet much but his clothes get soaked and what ever he's sitting or laying on. So I have to do laundry like every 2 days. I think it's time to switch.

Re: Huggies UGH!!!!

  • Cross over to the Cloth side. Big Smile
  • did you try going up a size maybe? i never have issues but every once in awhile that i do i need to go up a size and the problem goes away!!
    image 2011
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  • I hate huggies. They suck. If your doing that frequent laundry I agree with PP...join the Cloth Side :)
  • Yeah I have tried going up a size, then their too big and same problem.
  • Are cloth diapers really that much better? If so, where can I get them and how much r they? Thanks 
  • I would go to Jillian's Drawers and check out their Try Cloth for $10 offer.  You pay for the kit upfront, but if you don't like it, wash everything and return and get it all, except $10 back.  If you love it, keep it! There are TONS of places online that sell cloth diapers, including etsy.  They vary in prices for all of them, and there are different types and brands.  All in one's are like a normal goes, you take it off, put it in your wet bag (rinse first into the toilet if you're not nursing), and put a new one on.  The pocket styles have a pocket with a pad in it...pretty much the same as an all in one, except you take the pad out  before washing, which makes it easier to wash and dry.  All in 2's have a sewn or  snapped in liner pad but it's essentially an all in one, just cleans faster and dries faster.  One Size or one size fits all are adjustable from about 10-35 lbs.  Aplix is velcro.  Snaps last longer.  Covers are waterproof covers that go over prefolds or fitteds.  Prefolds are those flat looking diapers that look like towels, and they're thick, and you need to fold them before putting on a cover.  Fitteds are snap or velcro diapers that are not waterproof and need a cover.  Then there are hybrids with flushable/disposable liners...I've heard bad things and good things but if you have a septic system, just rule them out.  They are a cover with a disposable pad inside.  I've heard they're convenient while traveling. 
  • I love huggies, I used them exclusively with DS1 and I'm using them again with DS2. They were the only diapers that did NOT leak and did NOT cause DS1 to have a rash.

    You are making sure his penis is pointing DOWN when you close the diaper right?

  • Yes I'am making sure I point his penis down. He's never had a rash either. Thank you though.
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