Baby Names

Name opinions?

Girl : Mikayla Grace  (I love this name and was a little disappointed I couldn't use it when we found out we were having a little boy, even though we wanted a boy lol)

Boy: Cody George


Can't budge on middle names as they are family tradition.

Re: Name opinions?

  • Mikayla = eh, too "trendy" for me. I'm a classic kind of girl.

    Grace = too overused as a mn.

    Cody = sounds fine to me.

    George =  my favorite of your names! Love it!

  • I much, much, much prefer the classic spelling Micaela over Mikayla. Cody is NMS, but it's ok. The middle names are nice.
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  • I will never understand taking the name Michaela and doctoring up to MiKayla or MaKayla or whatever such nonsense. I like Michaela spelled this way only, otherwise it screams teen mom. Grace is nice but way overdone.

    Cody George is nice.

  • I agree with pp. Stick with Michaela.
  • I'd never seen the other spelling of Mikayla before.. I quite like it. Thanks :)

    And as I said, can't budge on middle names because they are family tradition. 

  • I like Cody George and I don't mind Michaela, but prefer the traditional spelling. Grace is a nice middle name and I like that it has family significance to you. If I have a daughter some day she will have my middle name, the super generic Marie. It's also my mom's middle name and I'd always rather choose a middle name with family significance then pull one out of the thin air.

    P - 9/2008
    A - 8/2010
    L - 1/2013
    S - 3/2015
  • I don't like Mikayla at all. I don't think it grows up well. Grace is okay, but seems like a "filler" name.

    Cody is NMS, but fine. I like George. 

    S- March 09 E- Feb 12 L- May 15

  • I love Michaela and although people keep saying it is overused, I dont know any IRL. I also love Grace  which is really popular now, but it is beautiful.

    Cody George is ok.

  • I like Mikayla, but I prefer the traditional spelling Michaela, even though I see tons of Mikaylas, so I don't think it is too "out there." I like Cody, but I don't think it ages well. Imagine a 50 year old CEO named Cody.... it just seems odd. 
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  • It may just be me, but both FNs sound like late 90s era names to me.
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