
23 weeks pre term

Hi, I am 23 weeks along. We knew that I was at risk for an early delivery but we didn't think the contractions would start so early. We spent last night in the hospital, having my contractions stopped. There was some protein in my urine, and my blood pressure was slightly elevated but the nurse said that the BP was a result of the contractions. Baby seems to be doing okay.

Home now, still having contractions but they aren't as intense. We will be seeing my doctor tomorrow and I'm sure that he will be putting me on some sort of bed rest - hopefully modified enough that I can take walks at night with DH. We are confident in our local hospital and NICU and are trying not to think too far ahead, but also trying to prepare mentally in case Nolan arrives early...yes, we have a case of the "freak out, but dont freak out too much". Anyone relate?

If you gals have any 23 + week stories to share, I sure would appreciate it. Any suggestions on how to handle bed rest? ....assuming I will be on it. Anything else (advice, wisdom, etc) that you can offer up sure would be appreciated. Thanks!

Re: 23 weeks pre term

  • I went into PTL at 22w1d and landed myself in the hospital until 29w (nasty contractions, 5 weeks of mag sulfate, a bout with pneumonia).  They finally weaned me off the IV drugs and onto an oral regime of nifetapine and terbutaline and let me go home.  Strict bedrest and the meds kept my twins in until 36w0d, so technically late-preterm babies. 

    My best advice for bedrest is to have everything you need within arm's reach.  Every day before he left for work, my DH got the following to my bed (either home or hospital) or bedside table: a sports bottle full of ice water, some snacks, a land-line phone, my cell phone attached to its' wall charger, the remote control, and a notepad and pen so I could write down lists of things (registry, which we hadn't done....things to set up in the nursery........things DH needed to shop for.......etc).  My Type A personality took a beating, but I knew it was for the best for my LOs.

    Best of luck at your appointment tomorrow!

    After 20 months TTC with PCOS, we were blessed with twins!
    They arrived at 36 weeks after PTL and bedrest for 14 weeks. Lilypie Third Birthday tickers image
  • I don't have a lot of tips about bedrest. I was only on it for 4 days. I do know I look back at it and wish I hadn't gotten up to shower everyday. Wish I'd asked them to put a catheter in so I didn't get up to pee, or not be so stubborn about going to the bathroom, and accepted the bed pan sooner. At one point I was getting so woozy and nauseated from the mag when I would try to get up I ended up vomiting. I seriously thought I could keep it from happening, I'm one of those people who really doesn't puke. Wretching isn't good for someone in PTL with a dilated cervix.

    Saying some prayers for you and LO, hope they feel good and at home right where they are right now, for awhile longer.

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  • I had my girls early at 32 weeks.  I went into PTL at 30 weeks.  I saw your post about hoping to still take walks.....

    I just wish someone would have told me to slow down.  I really feel that I pushed things...and ended up in PTL.  If I could go back in time, I would have kept my butt on a couch.  If you are placed on bedrest....please don't do walks.  That is just my advice....I've been an NICU mom almost 4 weeks...and I would have done anything to keep my girls on the inside longer.  please take it easy and GL to you.

    TTC for 12 years. m/c 2009. BFP on New Year's 2010. Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Thanks everybody! You are all so super sweet! I hope to be able to continue to admire your strength from a distance, as I hope to avoid having Nolan early...BUT if he does arrive early, I know that I will have a wonderful group of girls to find support with. Thanks so much!

    ...and if DR says no walks, I will listen. Thanks for the advice! :)

  • I didn't notice in your OP, but I woudl strongly encourage steroid shots for LO lungs if you havn't gotten them yet.  They really do wonders for micropreemies and later preemies too!

    Good luck!!! 

  • imageFutureMrsDenman:

    I didn't notice in your OP, but I woudl strongly encourage steroid shots for LO lungs if you havn't gotten them yet.  They really do wonders for micropreemies and later preemies too!

    Good luck!!! 

    Yeah, I have read about that. Is it something that I need to request from my doctor? I think the world of him, but to be totally honest, he doesn't always recognize my high risk issues for what they are. He often says that I need to relax and not be so anxious, which can be rather frustrating when I know that something is wrong. I'm hoping that last's night's stint in the hospital will be enough for him to take the next step in getting us prepared for the possibility of Nolan coming sooner than later.

  • I would also suggest seeing a high risk doctor. They are more familiar with high risk issues and will talk you more seriously if you don't think that your doc will listen to you. GL and I hope you don't join us Wink
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • T&P to you.  I hope LO stays inside much longer!
  • imagesabloja:
    I would also suggest seeing a high risk doctor. They are more familiar with high risk issues and will talk you more seriously if you don't think that your doc will listen to you. GL and I hope you don't join us Wink

    This.  I agree 100% with this post. 

    My OB, was also way too relaxed about all my high risk issues.  I finally pushed for a high risk OB as well.  Thank heavens.....

    TTC for 12 years. m/c 2009. BFP on New Year's 2010. Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Hope LO stays in the oven baking as long as possible!
    A small start at 2lb 9oz, 60 day NICU stay, and 6 months of O2 My 30 weeker is growing up! <a href="
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