Well, we tried what many of you suggested... putting regular veggies on her plate, and just praying she'd eat them (whilst giving her a multivitamin as insurance). We still do this, but she 99% of the time, doesn't touch them.
So, after like 2 months of her not eating veggies (GASP!) I bought her a veggie gummi vitamin, and also let her have the pureed veggies again. She's eating like 2 jars a day of the Earth's Best stage 2 ones. She LOVES them. I figure, I still serve "normal" veggies with each meal, but if she asks for a pureed veggies, I'm not going to deny her any longer. Who cares? Does anyone really think she'll go away to college eating pureed veggies?
(Actually, I did that... LOL! Kinda... split pea soup was my all time fav in college LOL! Seriously! ...Okay, that was dumb...
Re: Remember my DD? The almost 3 yr old who will only eat pureed veggies?
Carter James
Do you have a food processor? Try making your own pureed veggies/baby food. Then slowly stop pureeing them as much. Slowly over time build up to a thicker, not as smooth texture. Then once she will eat them sort of ground try just finely chopping them up. Then eventually stop chopping.
I work in a nursing home in the kitchen as a puree specialist. (sounds fancy doesnt it...well its not really.) I puree mold and plate the food for those who need pureed food. There are several different textures you can achieve by how long you process the food. I think slowly you could work her up to just chopping. (if she doesnt drop this herself.) She may not like the texture of the veggies and since puree is like pudding and smooth she will eat them. If you get to used to texture slowly it may help. My niece was sort of like this with meat. She wouldnt eat it unless you chopped it really fine. If not she would spit it out. (up until she was about 6)
If not and you are fine with her eating the puree I dont see a problem with it. She will outgrow it eventually.
I think you're totally right. Pick your battles.
I buy baby bananas for DD to spread/dunk her pancakes and toast.
Thanks for the clever idea, but I've tried this and it was a big fail. For some odd reason, even if I save the baby food jar and puree my own veggies, she KNOWS!? It's eerie;) Anyhow, I guess just stick with what gets her to eat them, huh? It matters in the long run that she was consuming veggies, not the texture, I guess LOL!