3rd Trimester

swelling=my deformed foot lol PIP

I dont understand how I can lay with my feet up during the day(most of the day) and still have swelling to where it hurts to move my toes/ankle. My leg is swollen up into my knee/thigh and my hands are swollen too but the OB says its not pre e. I guess that's a good thing. I don't know what I can do to make the swelling stop. I had to laugh yesterday because I told my friend that I was going to have stretch marks on my feet LOL


Not the best picture it was taken with my phone  image

Re: swelling=my deformed foot lol PIP

  • You could try compression stockings to ease the swelling.  I kind of feel like this late in the game, you are bound to have swelling though.  I'm definitely ready to have my feet/ankles and fingers back!

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I feel your pain...my feet look the same as yours! :(
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  • I have the same problem.  I'm starting my 37th week and my feet are so tight!  I've tried to put my feet up but life seems to get  in the way.  It is better in the morning, but the heat this summer is what I think is causing mine.  My first child was born in december and I had no trouble with swelling at all.  Take care!
  • Mine look the same by the end of the day.  I was joking that they look like they belong on a fat suit!!!  6 more weeks of this!
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