Pre-School and Daycare

I wish M wouldn't nap anymore.

She hasn't been going to bed until 10pm the past couple weeks!  One day last week she didn't nap and was in bed by 7pm... that was AWESOME.  But the kid is impossible to wake up or keep up.  Ughh

Re: I wish M wouldn't nap anymore.

  • 10?!?! That's nuts! Do you put her in her room or does she stay up with you? I'd go crazy with that.
  • awe man that stinks, i would be spent too if Carson did not go to bed by 7:30, i love my little man to pieces and when 7:30 hits i am like, "let's hit it kid! time for night nights!!"
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  • Ya, it's not working out so great for T and I. ; )
  • We have nights like that, too. There was a period of time where she would not fall asleep before 11! We started having daycare wake her up from her nap after an hour and that seemed to help.
    IMG_5889 Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • That happened with my DD, too. No bueno.

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  • Have you tired doing very active things at the time she would typically go down for a nap or jsut generally keeping her busy through that tired spell?  Can she take a short nap and then be woken or is that just really hard?
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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