So, for the past month, DD has taken to sleeping, like, 14 hours a day!!! Seriously, 11 hours at night, 3 hour naps. This from a child who, until she was 12 mos, woke up every 2 hours and had multiple sleep regressions through her first year.
Um - not trying to question this, but there's hardly any time to "do" things now! LOL. On weekends when I'm home, we squeeze in a morning activity and lunch - usually do breakfast/playtime at home first, followed by something like a trip to the children's museum or her music class. By the time her tummy is "soooo full" (lunch at 11:30 ish), she immediately reports that she "need sleep." And, we're in the car, she passes out and remains asleep once we get home. Afternoons are kind of dead time, but we try to hit the park or the local pool for an hour at least.
I guess she's hitting a growth spurt or something, because she's eating like a horse too.
But, I have heard people say that they wake their LO up after a 2 hour nap no matter what. I feel like, if she's sleeping so well at night, there's no need to wake her from her nap, right? She does wake early for the average person (6a), but there's no point pushing her wake time any later because we're up anyway - plus w/ my work, morning is prime play time for us.
Anyway, not really complaining, just trying to see what other experiences people have had. She is happy and healthy; energetic and wild when she is awake.
Re: My 2.25 yr-old has now become the master sleeper...