What a subject heading, huh? Makes you want to run and read my post. LOL. I'm just curious if anyone's dc has bled when they pooped. My ds has had very hard, dry poops lately and there is a little blood in it - it looks like he strained hard and broke some blood vessels.
So, first I want to change his diet some- what is it that helps? Fiber? Bananas? Prunes? He's such a picky eater and drinks a lot of milk which I'm sure doesn't help so it may be hard to change his diet but I think I need to try.
Is there anything else that could cause the bleeding other than diet? I assume it's nothing serious but if there is anything else I should be looking for, I want to make sure I know about it.
Re: Sorry if TMI - bleeding during a poop
So did he have blood IN his poop or did he bleed during a poop?
K has strained hard and I've noticed a little blood when I wipe her, but never blood in her poop. It's rare, usually when she does not poop for a day or two.
Will he eat a box of raisins? DD LOVES them (it's the packaging as much as the actual raisins) and they're - ahem - very effective.
Will he eat sweet potatoes or any of the "p" fruits like peaches or plums?
I'm not sure if it's very scientific, but when my DD eats something like fresh corn (which she loves and will eat in mass quantities), she poops like there's no tomorrow.
Yes- it is bleeding during the poop. It is not blood IN the poop. I've wiped the blood from his skin after he poops.
I will try fruit, raisins and more water.
IUI- BFN IVF #1 -BFP! Allie is our 2nd IVF baby. Born at 36 1/2 weeks after pre-e again
cut down on the milk - dairy is constipating (yogurt, cheese, milk, etc) banannas are very constipating.
increase his water and add more fiber/fruit to his diet. i found these fiber bars that taste so good but they are pricey. i give them to Carson when he hasn't gone poop after a day or so - works like a charm and he loves them.
you could also do juice (not apple) try white grape juice mixed with water. works fabulous too.
veggies that make him go are cauliflower and broccolli. the fruits that work well are plums, melon, pears......those seem to work the best for him.