I plan to use pampers diapers initially. I may end up cloth diapering but want to start out with disposables at first till I get the hang of things. I have heard some people say the "dry max" makes their babies break out in a rash or get sore. I have had a hard time finding many of the Pampers swaddlers or any size for that matter that don't have the dry max.
Has any one had problems with the dry max or baby dry versions compared to Pampers without?
Re: dry max, is it ok?
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
And a bonus...no chemicals next to baby's reproductive organs, dry max or otherwise.
CDs really aren't hard, but I started in disposables as well because I got OS CDs that LO wouldn't fit in at birth. Now we only part time CD but I wanna build up my stash and go full time.
Now to the question: we have no prob with drymax and pampers are the only disposable diaper we don't have blowouts with. You should get a pack and try 'em, but there is no telling what will work best for your LO.
I've used it with my son with no problems. I am using the Cruisers now with the Target brand diapers for nights. They hold up well, but between the Target diapers and the heat he's had a couple of diaper rashes lately.
Remember, there's many brands of diapers, you don't have to go Huggies or Pampers!