Hey ladies! We are suddenly having issues with Madi spitting up most of her bottle and not even wanting to take all of it. She is crawling all over the place, so I figured that may be why she is spitting it up. Just the new pressure on her tummy. I just don't get her not wanting most of them. She gets one on waking, one in the afternoon, and one before bed. All other times she is eating solids, like breakfast lunch and dinner. I will sometimes give her a small snack of fruit and/or stars along with or in lue of the afternoon bottle.
Can anyone enlighten me? What was your feeding schedule and amounts at 8 months?
Re: Feeding issues at 8 months?
I don't know if I am going to be of much help because about 8 months was when Aubrey started to refuse more than 3-4 ounces a time except for her night bottle and that was also when she decided table foods was all she wanted.
We are still at 10 months struggling to get her to take formula...some days I can get 20 ounces in her and other days (like yesterday) I was lucky to get 14 ounces in her. She just doesn't have any interest in her bottle anymore or formula. It's very very frustrating...especially because the pedi still wants us to be getting 24 ounces in her.
Two things I am doing:
I changed up the amount of bottles...I now give her a morning(8am) 6oz'er (which she usually drinks 4 ounces of) I then take the remaining two ounces and mix her oatmeal with it. I then give her a 4oz'er around 12-1 and then another 4 oz'er around 5ish (of these 8oz's she will usually take about 6 of them so I end up wasting 2 oz's which is frustrating but I don't know of a way to make her take more and I tried the just giving her 6 oz's at around 3 instead of breaking it apart but that didn't work either), and then she gets her night bottle at about 8-8:30. This bottle is 6 ounces and she'll usually take all 6oz's or at least 5 of them. She is also eating table foods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I absolutely hate that we had to go back to 4 bottles when she was doing three but if I gave her the bigger middle day bottle she'd waste so much of it.
The other thing I started doing is giving her yogurt...my pedi told me this could help with some of the nutrients she gets from the formula.
I am starting this week on putting the two midday bottles into a sippy cup. We finally found one that she seems to like and doesn't mind using and so hopefully putting them in a sippy cup will help on her wanting to drink again.
I know I probably wasn't much help. It's very frustrating when they start to not want to take their bottles. I am counting down the days when I can switch her over to whole milk.
That was so much more help than you know! It is frustrating. She could almost care less about the bottle. I may have to try some of the fun tactics you are as well.