2nd Trimester

Has anyone used icy hot or bengay for sciatic pain??

I'm almost positive my OB said I could use one of these creams when I went for my 16 week visit, but I can't remember. I just googled it and saw that a lot of the answers said no because it contains asprin.

Has anyone asked their OB if they're ok to use recently?? I feel stupid calling to ask but I think I may have to.

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Re: Has anyone used icy hot or bengay for sciatic pain??

  • I've been wondering the same thing, but I feel stupid calling and asking also. Everytime I tell myself I'll ask at the next doc visist but then I forget... I just need to call.
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  • I asked about icy heat and my doc said depends on where you want to apply it, I responded with my lower back, she said fine.
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  • imagecthrasher86:
    I've been wondering the same thing, but I feel stupid calling and asking also. Everytime I tell myself I'll ask at the next doc visist but then I forget... I just need to call.

    If I end up calling I will let you know. I was literally in tears last night. I can't do this for the next 3 months! Especially with work and school starting up again in a few weeks.

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  • I use an all natural version called Pain Neutralizer 024. She said that, that one is fine.
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  • Mine gave me some prescription pain killers and told me I could use a heating pad (don't fall asleep on it) but not to use the sports creams.
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  • An ice pack does wonders!! Much better than a heating pad.  From what I've heard, heat actually makes the inflammation worse.  Also - I use lidocain patches as well - I had two back surgeries, and my lower back is fused. The lidocain patch and the ice helps quite a bit.  
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  • Ive used it. Dr said its ok. All dr's are different, just ask yours, dont be scared to call. You are just trying to make sure youre doing whats best for the baby
  • my dr says that icy hot is ok, but if youre still uncomfortable about the aspirin, icy hot makes a pain patch roll tape, sorta like an ace bandage looking roll but you cut off a piece to stick on your back. it contains NO aspirin but still works like a heat patch. she also said heat packs are ok, but i agree with the post above that says not to fall asleep with it. my back has been worse than ever, but the dr also suggested a support belt & that has helped greatly. i toss too much for a pillow between the knees to help much, but i hear that works too. good luck!!
  • Yes!! Icy Hot patches saved my life! LOL! My OB said it was totally fine.
  • My doc said that I could use it, but they would prefer that I use ice/heating pad instead along with Tylenol because there has been some conflicting data on whether or not it could be harmful. They also reminded me not to put it anywhere near my belly. Duh!!! I used it a couple times, but their reservations kind of freaked me out, so I stopped.
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