Pre-School and Daycare


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  • Twice this week, DD used a spoon from her play kitchen to eat breakfast because we had run out of clean spoons and I didn't want to wash one for her.

    (At least they're stainless and actually about the same size as a kiddie spoon. I run them through the dishwasher quite often, too.)

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  • I came up to visit my parents and we are going to the fair this afternoon.  Of course DH insisted I invite his mother and his sister to join us.  Just once I would like to do something fun with my parents and the kids and not have to include his mom and his sister in it!!  My parents didn't tag along last year when we went to Sesame with his parents.
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  • I'm embarrassed to say that sometimes the uber-friendliness of the employees of our Publix gets on my nerves.  Embarrassed 

    Especially if it's not busy.  Then you'll have 10 people asking you if you need any help finding anything. 

    They also can be very insistent and pushy about helping you with your cart/bags.  While I probably should be grateful that they want to be so helpful, it gets on my nerves too.

    They just grab your cart and say, "Which way to your car?"  Even when I say, "Oh, that's okay.  I've got it.  Really."  They are like, "Are you SURE?!  It's no problem.  I'm happy to help."

    Indifferent  Ummm..yeah.  I think I can carry my TWO shopping bags by myself.  Why don't you wait and help this elderly lady behind me with the cart full of stuff?  Or the mom over there with four kids?

    I should be ashamed, but they just don't take NO for an answer sometimes.

  • Both my girls are sick; DD1 has the worst of it right now. Very runny nose and feverish. 

    My confession is that I've been putting her in long-sleeved shirts the last couple of days, so that when she wipes her nose on her arm, at least it's on the shirt and not a crusty smear on her skin.  

    And instead of chasing her around with a kleenex or handkerchief, I've just been using whatever is closest to swipe at her nose - burp cloths, dish towels, random blankets, towels after a shower, my own sleeve, etc. So I have tons of laundry to do. 

    I hate snot-drippy noses.  


    DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010
  • My confession is even though I've had two months off, I'm not ready to go back to work. Yeah, I should more thankful for my time off.
  • I POAS and found out that I am pregnant I am 8 weeks along tomorrow. I couldn't keep it in I had to tell somebody. Big Smile
    imageLilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
  • imagenaysmom:
    I POAS and found out that I am pregnant I am 8 weeks along tomorrow. I couldn't keep it in I had to tell somebody. Big Smile


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