My husband sold a painting to a guy the other day and now he LOVES this name. We already know the first name will be Dean. So WDYT of Dean Staten B____? I really would have liked Slayton better for a mn but unfortunately I'm not winning that battle yet!
Re: Staten
Like Staten Island? What is with the obsession with boroughs of NYC? I think Staten may be worse than Brooklyn.
I also think of statins, which reduce cholesterol.
This, exactly.
I had a dear friend in HS named Staton. He never got Satan references (he did get called Stanton a lot though).
I loved his name. It was a family name (a maiden name at some point in his past). His parents actually named him James Staton...but then when he was 18, he had it legally changed to Staton James.
I like the spelling Staton better than Staten though.
Edited to Add: I assumed the pronunciation was like my friend, pronounced STAY-TON...if you are going for the Island pronunciation, then I guess it's totally different and just ignore my post.
11.10.10 from my belly to my heart at 11wks 5days
This is immediately what I thought of.
Danica 10.22.10 | Milo 12.23.12
This. At first glance I thought it was satan too.
I totally read Satan the first time, not good for a cute little baby!
I agree with pp, Staton is a better spelling. I'm not a fan of the name, but its a middle name, so its not too bad. As long as you like it (not just your husband), I don't see why it would be a huge deal.
And I like it better than Slayton.
Exactly this. First thought was Staten Island (which as all NYers who don't live on SI will tell you is the lowest borough and not a good association)? Then I though of cholesteral meds and finally Satan. Not good all around.