This time I had a c-section, and this is a very different experience than a vaginal birth. Here a couple things I have learned, since I have a little time to kill before we are discharged today.
1. You really have to pay attention to make sure you get your meds. I feel like a drug addict always asking, but if I don't ask we end up falling behind. I haven't had drugs since midnight last night since I didn't wake up to ask - and I am paying for it now.
2. I needed more clothes then I brought with. With my first delivery there was a lot of mess and I was content to stay in a gown the whole time. This time, there is less mess and more sitting around, so my own clothes are nicer.
3. Bring DVD's and things to do. I assume it's because of the c-section, but these babies are much sleepier than DD was. It has been oddly relaxing.
4. I also wish I would have brought a big fluffy towel from home. The towels are pretty hard and wussy, and after my glorious shower I could have used a super fluffy towel.
And that's all I can think of right now, but figured someone might be interested.
Re: Things I have learned about the hospital stay.
Totally agree!
I had my in laws bring me a towel after my first shower at the hospital. It was wonderful! They also brought me my laptop, which was great too.
I loved hanging out in the hospital gown - it was oddly comforting to me. But yes, I could've used some "real" clothes for when visitors came.
I thought I was the only drug addict counting down every 4 hours until I can have another percocet. Also, after you go home and you run out of the original prescription of pain meds, don't be afraid to call your doctor and ask for more if you need it! I'm still on 1-2 percocet a day.
Don't feel guilty about sending your babies to the nursery - they get taken care of really well there and you need to recover!
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
I only wore a hospital gown until they let me get up and shower for the first time. After that, it was sweats or yoga pants and nursing tanks the rest of my stay. I'd also recommend a cardigan sweater or light bathrobe. Hospitals come in 2 temps- insanely hot or just above freezing.
I will say that the first time you get up after your c-section SUCKS. I won't lie- it hurt, I bled a TON, and overall was one of the nastier 3 minute periods of my life. But it got easier every time I got up. So make yourself get up and move, even though it isn't comfy. I had minimal pain and think some of that was I had to get up to go see the girls in the NICU. I did quite a bit of sitting, but walked between the NICU and my room several times a day to get meds, eat, nap, etc.
I did use my laptop, but didn't watch any DVD's that I had brought. I mostly got on to check email, post baby updates, and surf while I was pumping. I spent most of my waking hours in the NICU, and really only slept, ate, and showered in my room.
I will suggest bringing your own pillow. I think that gave me more comfort than anything else. Just bring it in a patterned or colored pillowcase so housekeeping doesn't try to clean it.