Birth Stories

RP from NB board!! My homebirth story :)

Short, sweet and absolutely perfect!

August 10th, 2010:

  • 10:00pm - contraction started 2-3 mins apart and about 60 secs long.
  • 11:00pm - contractions continued, more intense .... felt like getting in the tub.
  • 11:10pm - DH started to fill the tub
  • 11:30pm - the tub was not even half way filled and I was already inside.
  • 11:45pm - contractions did not seem as intense while in the water and I was able to cope better .... I started listening to my hypnobabies CDs while laboring.
August 11th, 2010:
  • 12:00pm - The Doula arrived, contractions were 5-10 mins apart but about 3-5 mins long, they were very intense
  • 12:30pm - I began to feel very tired and I used the time between my contractions to rest ( I actually fell asleep and snorted some water at some point)
  • 1:00am - I wanted to know if I had made some progress, I did not feel I had hit transition yet, we called the MW.
  • 1:30am - I reached inside my vagina and I was sure I could feel my bag of waters about 2in from my perineum .... could this be so???
  • 2:00am - MW arrived I asked her to check me, I could not resist to know if I was close or not, indeed it was the bag of waters still intact right there in my vagina.
  • 2:30am - Continued laboring, had very long breaks in between contractions.
  • 3:30am - Felt extremely pushy but I was trying to hold on, I was afraid to poop or tear.
  • 3:35am - Next contraction came and I could not help it but to push
  • 3:45am - Next contraction came and my water broke
  • 3:50am - Final push ... KT was born.
  • Our Team Green is now a TEAM PURPLE

She weighed 5lbs 8oz and is 18in long, she is just amazing and has nursed wonderfully since birth, my uterus bump is almost all gone! Oh and I did not have a single scratch on my perineum!! :))

HERE is the youtube video link of the actual birth (Beware, there is nudity involved)

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