Baby Names

Lauren Elizabeth

We decided to name our baby girl, Lauren Elizabeth.  We only tell people the name if they ask.  We have been getting alot of people saying they know a "Lauren Elizabeth". Do you think the name Lauren Elizabeth is popular combination?

We thought about changing the middle name to Lauren Drew to honor my grandmother who passed away over a year ago.  Her name starts with a "D" and in the Jewish religion you often use the first letter of a name to name after someone.  Do you like Lauren Drew or is Drew too boyish.  I only know of Drew Barrymore.

Re: Lauren Elizabeth

  • I think Lauren Elizabeth is a beautiful name, I don't think it is too popular. I don't even know a Lauren IRL.
  • I like Lauren Elizabeth! I don't know a Lauren Elizabeth, but Elizabeth is a VERY common middle name, so it would make sense that Lauren Elizabeth is a fairly common combo.

    As for Lauren Drew... I don't think it flows as nicely, though it's not a bad choice. I have a friend named Lauren Deanna, and I think that's pretty.

    Married DH 5/28/08
    DS Born 4/13/11
    DD Born 3/38/15

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  • That is SO pretty. Lauren was on our list, too. I don't think it's all that common.


    VERY VERY pretty! 

  • imagefinndog:
    I think Lauren Elizabeth is a beautiful name, I don't think it is too popular. I don't even know a Lauren IRL.
    Same for me
  • imagefinndog:
    I think Lauren Elizabeth is a beautiful name, I don't think it is too popular. I don't even know a Lauren IRL.
    Same for me
  • Lauren Elisabeth is one of our choices. Beautiful name.

    I like Drew too, but it's not as pretty as Elizabeth. I knew a girl named Drew in high school, actually. 

  • I like Lauren Elizabeth, I don't think it is too popular
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  • I really like Lauren Elizabeth!  Very pretty, and I dont think it's too common. 

    ps go mountaineers!!  I'm WVU class of '07, and originally from the Jersey shore  :)

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  • I think Lauren Elizabeth is a beautiful name. I've only ever met one Lauren and I have no clue what her middle name was!

    I prefer Elizabeth to Drew but Drew is cute and the family significance is a plus. 

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    I'll love you forever,
    I'll like you for always,
    As long as I'm living my baby you'll be.
    - Robert Munsch
  • Lauren Elizabeth is very nice but it sounds like a very common combo. I like Lauren Drew!
  • Lauren seemed to be very popular in the 80s. I know a LOT of Lauren's in their 20s. Nowadays though I don't think it's super popular to name a girl Lauren, so I think you'd be fine.

  • I really love Lauren Elizabeth. It does sound like a common name, but it is very feminine and pretty. Not a fan of the mn Drew. It is a family name though, so go for it if you want to honor someone. 
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  • Well my name is Laura Elizabeth! haha
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  • I LOVE Lauren Elizabeth! I'm not sure how popular the combination is. I don't know one personally. I think the two names sound great together.
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    Logan David 03.27.08
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  • I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing that other people know someone with that name. It's a beautiful name. I much prefer it to Lauren Drew.
    P - 9/2008
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  • I think Lauren Elizabeth is a lovely name! I only know one little Lauren, so I wouldn't say it's a common name at all.
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  • I think it's a beautiful name - we are thinking of using Lauren too!  Lauren Elizabeth is gorgeous....
  • Hi!  I am a Lauren Elizabeth!  I think it was a pretty common combo in the 80s.  Literally every Lauren I know is Lauren Elizabeth.  Also, we just attended my little sister's gigantic college graduation, and there were at least 15 Lauren Elizabeth's in the program.  However, I personally LOVE the name (of course), and think that it is much more unusual now than 20-30 years ago!
  • Lauren Elizabeth is really pretty.  We are also Jewish and using the first letters of deceased grandparents to name our twin girls.  Are there other D names that might go better with Lauren?
  • As a high school teacher who has taught hundreds of kids, I have only ever known one Lauren. So no, I don't think it's too popular.

    I don't care for Drew at all for a girl. i think of Drew Carey. 

    Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old

  • I am Lauren Elizabeth and know of one other Lauren Elizabeth.  I love the name combination and think that if you like it use it.

    We are using Elizabeth as the first name for our daughter.

  • Lauren Elizabeth is a beautiful name!
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  • Thank you for your reponses!  We are going to stick with Lauren Elizabeth.  We have loved the name since I was pregnant with DS, Benjamin Preston, born in 2005.  We were going to use the name if he was a girl and we still love the name.  I guess it is meant to be! 
  • My name is Lauren and I know a ton of other Laurens but they were all born in the early 80s.  I don't think it's as common anymore.  I love Lauren Elizabeth but for what it's worth, my middle name is Diane.
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  • imagequeenbone:
    I like Lauren Elizabeth, I don't think it is too popular

    I agree.

    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • I'm a Lauren Elizabeth and knew a Lauren Elizabeth growing up, but I have absolutely zero complaints about the name...I might be biased though.
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