Cloth Diapering

XP: welt marks on DS's thighs --- HELP!

has anyone else had this problem? by the end of the day, DS has red welt looking marks on his thighs. is this normal? i have resorted to putting cream and a disposable on him for tonight. i use BG 3.0 and ds is about 12.5 lbs. he has "naked time" first thing in the morning and in the evening before bed. should i get some prefolds and covers to alternate? DH is upset with me because i had praised CD so much and that "he let me buy these diapers so we wouldn't have to buy disposables". :( i'm open to any and every idea!
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Re: XP: welt marks on DS's thighs --- HELP!

  • We use FuzziBunz and we've never found welt marks on DS.  Maybe those diapers just don't fit him well.
  • Could he have a sensitivity to the fabric itself?
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  • imageCathie111:
    Could he have a sensitivity to the fabric itself?

    i considered that but he's only red when the edge of the fabric meets his skin. i'm going to try to not have them so tight and see if that helps.

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  • This happens to my DD if I have her in her BG 3.0 without a onsie. ?The edge of the velcro is kind of sharp and rubs against her skin if it is not covered. ?I hate this part of the BGs. ?Is he without a onsie when he gets the welts?
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  • DD has such chunky thighs, that no matter WHAT we put her in, she gets indents from the elastic. Is it just red indent marks, or actual welts?
  • DD's thighs are so rolly that I have to get her to put her feet in toward her crotch and her knees outward so that I can get the diaper all the way up past her fat rolls. While doing that I try to sort of turn the seams in toward her crotch so that all of the inner fabric is inside and that it's just the outer fabric touching her skin. This has been helping to make sure no we fabric is rubbing on her legs when she moves around, just the dry PUL. (I hope this is making sense...)
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