
moms of 3 kids

How did you know you weren't done after 2. I thought I would be, but after just having my 2nd last month I'm not sure that I am. It makes me sad that I might not be pg or have a new baby again. And would I secretly love the chance to try one more time for a girl.

On the flip side- dh travels a lot, 3 is more $$ and do I really have the patience for 3.

ds #1 is 3 1/2

ds #2 is 5 weeks

dh and I are 32 

Re: moms of 3 kids

  • I am always going back and forth about 3 too. a good forum is on a lot of people with the same questions.
  • I always wanted 3.  Did not feel done after DS1.  I do know.  I love our family of 5!  ETA:  Even though I feel done, I still feel sad I will not be pregnant or have a NB again.  It is a lot more money.  This summer is killing us...only one more week of three in FT daycare! 

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  • Sorry.. no advice, I just wanted to say that I feel the same way...

    I feel like we should be a family of 5, but DH says he's not sure if HE'LL have the patience for a 3rd...

  • imagelilpiglet:

    Sorry.. no advice, I just wanted to say that I feel the same way...

    I feel like we should be a family of 5, but DH says he's not sure if HE'LL have the patience for a 3rd...

    OMG - do we have the same DH? I so badly want a 3rd. DH is SO not interested. Before we had kids, we always talked 3-4. Now DH is pretty sure that he is done at 2.

  • To be honest, I just didn't feel "done" with having kids.  I would like to have 4 but have had some difficult pregnancies so this will definitely be the last for us.  I feel ready to be done once this one is born and I definitely did not feel that way after having two.  The cost is certainly an issue, not to mention the logistics of handling all 3 little ones at the same time.  Also, I come from a family of 2 children and always wished that I had more siblings which may have contributed to my desire to have a third.
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  • #6#6 member

    Easy!!  When #2 came with #3.  LoL  :) 

    We always wanted 3 but once we found out we were pg so soon after L was born (he was 4 months when we got pg) we thought 2 was all we would have.  Then 4wks later we were shocked and so excited to learn we were having twins to have the 3 we always wanted.  

    Now that I have 3 there is no way I could have had only 2.  I love have 3 esp so close in age.  

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