It's been a week today since they were born. I've had such a crazy range of emotions with them in the NICU. They are just 2 oz from their birth weight now and almost eating 2 oz, every three hours. Their little warmers on their isolettes are at the lowest settings possible. I think they are going to give it another one or two days and try them in cribs. If they do well in those it'll only be a couple of days after that until they come home. So, we're looking at maybe another week if they continue to do well.
I know that it'll be such hard work when they come home but, easier because I won't be running to the hospital so much and leaving Emerson home.
Emerson hasn't gotten to meet Landry yet but, got to see Hudson for a few minutes and she was kissing all over him-so cute!
Please keep them in your T&P's if your the praying type. My heart is so content knowing that they're going to be okay. : )
Re: Update on Landry and Hudson....
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
YAY landry and hudson! so happy to hear they are doing so well and hopefully home in a week..I am sure that will fly by!
I know it can't be easy but it sounds like they are in good hands and growing great!
too cute that emerson got to give kisses to hudson!
I hope your boys continue to do well and get to go home soon. Hang in there!
Cut the Crap - Weight loss journey of a Few Fat Chicks
Steal my kids picture or pretend they are yours, I will find where you live and ship all of their dirty diapers to your doorstep. Promise.
Callan George and Bennett Charles born and died 11/7/10
FET #1 April 2011= BFN
FET #2 July 2011= no transfer because my lining sucked
FET #3 February 2012= BFP! 1st beta 9dp5dt=314 2nd beta 11dp5dt=977 1st U/S 3/20 Twins- Heart rates of 111 and 138
Living After Losing
Looking forward to seeing pics.
Tons of thoughts and prayers coming your way that they continue to do well and get to come home soon!