Today is Miracle Day One. 24wks and 1d. They never expected her to get to 24wks, much less past that point.
Everything is still going well. She gets bathroom and shower privileges! Only 5 minutes for the shower.... But I know she's skanky cuz she hasn't showered in an entire week. So even five minutes is just going to help the smell in antepartum. (LOL, j/k - love ya Clayli! I know you read these updates!)
They are going to check her fluid levels in a few days and keep an eye on her contractions. Otherwise, things are still stable. Fingers still crossed that Baby A's fluid is low because of the meds and not from a rupture.
Clayli asked me to thank everyone, from the bottom of her heart, for all the T&Ps you've sent her way this past few weeks.
Re: Clayliover - Tuesday update
Good, good, good! I can't imagine how exhausting this must be, but what a relief that the babies have stayed put.
Clayli, keep up the good work! I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts!
That is such wonderful news!!!
Hoping for many more Miracle Days!
Fantastic news! Praying for many many more miracle days!
Enjoy the shower clayli!
Callan George and Bennett Charles born and died 11/7/10
FET #1 April 2011= BFN
FET #2 July 2011= no transfer because my lining sucked
FET #3 February 2012= BFP! 1st beta 9dp5dt=314 2nd beta 11dp5dt=977 1st U/S 3/20 Twins- Heart rates of 111 and 138
Living After Losing
BFP Nov 09 - c/p Dec 09
BFP Dec 09 - A&J born in August 2010 at 37w, 6d
BFP Sept 11 - ectopic pregnancy/left tube removed
BFP April 12 - E born December 2012 at 39w, 1d
Cut the Crap - Weight loss journey of a Few Fat Chicks
Wow! Keep up the great work; prayers that she has many, many more days of cooking ahead of her!!
Hang in there; we're rooting for you, Clayli, and your precious LOs!