So which video monitor does everyone have...and do you recommend it?
We're finally buying one and starting to research these. We're moving James and his crib to his own room, upstairs, all by his lonesome next month and I can't do it without the monitor. I wish we had thought about this whole master on the first floor idea when we bought this house...
Re: Video monitor: which one?
My SIL has used this one for the past two years. She loves it. She plans to buy an additional camera to use with her next child.
My neighbor uses this one with baby.
I went off of my neighbors review and bought the best view model. The pan scan and zoom sold me.
We also have a master downstairs and LO sleeps upstairs. We have this monitor-
The great thing about Summer is that they really honor the one year protection. Just make sure to keep your reciept. I liked the handheld better than the flat screen tv model bc I can keep it in any room I am in. You can also hook the hand held up to your tv if you want a larger picture.