Babies: 9 - 12 Months

question about teething

DS is getting his first tooth and the corner has broken through the gums (I can see it and feel it when I put my finger on his gums).  Does this mean he his done teething with this tooth? Or is it still painful until the entire tooth is out?  How long until his tooth is completely out? Sorry, I'm a teething newbie!

Re: question about teething

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    For my DD, it seemed to bother her most when the whole tooth was cutting through the surface. So from the time that I could feel it (but not see it) until I could fully see the whole tooh had completely broken through the gums. She seemed in on and off pain the most during that time...but only mostly at night!

    For DD it seems to take a long time for the tooth to fully reach it's full length/height...probably about 2 wks...from what I've seen so far.... But she only has 3 1/2 teeth so far! Ha!

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