DS didn't have any words until 18 months. At 2 1/2 he is now more verbal than most kids his age that I know. I can only think one of baby I know of who had any "real words" before 1 year.
My DS was about the same at that age. He said mamama and dadada. I think it was right around 18 months when he really started "talking". Now he is two and saying new words every day. He'll get there!
My DD1 had no real words until 15 months and was talking in full sentences by 20 months. She was more physical though and was on the early side with crawling, walking, etc.
My DD2 seems to be more cognitive. She's very observant and I think she says a couple things (uh oh, mama, I think she's may even say her sister's name sometimes) but I'm always hesitant to count them this early. She's not as advanced physically though.
the milestone is 3 words at 15 months, and even that isn't set in stone.
Does he respond to you and understand you? That is more important.
My DD had only one word by your son's age. I swear to you it was the ONLY one until the day right before her 15 month appointment, when 2 more popped out and i was SOOO relieved that we had hit that silly milestone.
I really have no idea why I was stressing - by 2 she was speaking in complete sentences and at 4.5 is always surprising people with her amazing verbal skills. The kid never shuts up and people are always commenting on how such a little girl sounds like such a grown up.
As long as he is engaged and responsive to you, don't stress about the lack of words.
My DS only has about 4 or 5 words at 17 months. As long as she seems to be hearing and beginning to understand, I would not worry. There is a wide range. DD had a two word sentence at 11 months, total opposite of DS who still doesn't even say Dada or any word for his sister. (Mama and ball are the only words he really uses.)
DS didn't have any real words until about 17 months. Now at 3, he never shuts up. Our pedi was never worried nor was our friend who does evaluations of young children.
At 11 1/2 monthsk, that is nothing to be worried about. Kids start talking at all different times. If your child is more motor, it is common to start talking later. My DD, who had a speech delay, only had 3 words at 2 years but then took off and between 2 and 2 1/2. She has been in speech therapy since she was 3 1/2 and is doing great. No need to worry at this point.
Re: 11.5mo old and no real words?
DS didn't really have anything more than that until 18months-ish. He had ongoing ear issues, then tubes at 16months.
Part of it was probably that DD never shuts up, so he felt no need to talk. lol
My DD1 had no real words until 15 months and was talking in full sentences by 20 months. She was more physical though and was on the early side with crawling, walking, etc.
My DD2 seems to be more cognitive. She's very observant and I think she says a couple things (uh oh, mama, I think she's may even say her sister's name sometimes) but I'm always hesitant to count them this early. She's not as advanced physically though.
the milestone is 3 words at 15 months, and even that isn't set in stone.
Does he respond to you and understand you? That is more important.
My DD had only one word by your son's age. I swear to you it was the ONLY one until the day right before her 15 month appointment, when 2 more popped out and i was SOOO relieved that we had hit that silly milestone.
I really have no idea why I was stressing - by 2 she was speaking in complete sentences and at 4.5 is always surprising people with her amazing verbal skills. The kid never shuts up and people are always commenting on how such a little girl sounds like such a grown up.
As long as he is engaged and responsive to you, don't stress about the lack of words.