Two Under 2

Help with traveling

We are going on vacation in September.  In Sept my kids will be 2 months old and 19 months. I am not sure how to handle the sleeping issues.    I have a pack n play so that takes care of one child sleeping but what do I do with the other? Do I try to put the 19 month old in a regular bed??   Or do I put her in pack n play and get a travel bed for him??    Anyone put a toddler in a regular bed and did okay?  She doesnt climb out of her crib yet so she isnt used to the freedom.


Re: Help with traveling

  • what are the sleeping arrangements? hotel, family's house, etc. how long is your trip?

    most hotels have portable cribs you can have set up in your room.

    also, in a pinch, i have put buggy to sleep in his infant carseat.


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  • you could always barrow another pack n play from a friend if there is room where ever you are staying! my DS is 21 months old and yea to put him in a regular bed would not happen!! he would not sleep and probably fall out!
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  • When my DD was 3 months my husband and I traveled for business. When we got to the hotel they told us they were out of cribs. We got a double room and put her in the second bed with pillows and blankets around the edge and everything else stripped down- she hadn't begun rolling so I wasn't too scared. It wasn't an ideal situation but everyone lived through it and she's no worse for wear. In that instance I would have put the older one in the PnP, especially if they are not used to sleeping in a bed.
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