My little munchkin came home last week and we are working to transition him to breast feeding. I am producing more than enough milk so the supply out weighs the demand. How do I move from pumping to breastfeeding without having clogged ducts all the time? I have had a clogged duct almost every day this last week even with pumping after feedings. It has been a big struggle. Anyone have a success story or advice to help me through this uncomfortable period?
Re: need advice- pump to EBF once home
I am in your shoes right now. DD has been home for 2.5 weeks. I have been working with a lactation counselor because it's really hard. What I am doing is gradually weening DD off the bottles. Right now, she is getting 4 bottles a day and I pump 6-7 times, usually just after feeding or within an hour. I have a weight check tomorrow to make sure that DD is still on track given the reduced bottle intake. I figure that until the demand matches the supply I will keep pumping.
When my boobs are especially hard and swollen and need to be milked, I make sure to feed her then and/or pump for a longer time, until I'm softer. Usually any lumps and clogs resolve themselves. I also massage them.
Good luck!
I also had some oversupply when I came home and ditto this approach. It sounds like the bfing itself is going well (good job!) so what you need to do is to wean off bottles (if you haven't already) and try to pump less and less by first just going down in terms of how long you pump, then how frequently you pump.
So if you're bfing but there's still a bunch in the boobs when LO's done, go ahead and pump but only for a short period of time (till they're less full but NOT empty). Keep shortening that period of time until you can just stop all together. Your body should be able to step down to no more pumping in about a week or week and a half's time with no major problems. Keep in mind, you may get a clogged duct or mastitis just because it happens (I got mastitis but not until he was like 5 mo. old, so it was random and not related to oversupply).
Hang in there! It's totally worth it. We transitioned to EBF about 2.5 weeks after he got home, bf'd full-time through 12 mo., and I still nurse him 3 times a day now (will drop down to just morning and evening feeds next month). It's work at first, but I feel I've had the best bonding with him through it once he was older actually (like 6 mo+). GL!