Two Under 2

DS#2's first day home.. I have a couple of questions.

So its DS#2's first day home. DS#1 has been super crabby about it (I expected this). When did things start to cool down in your house once you brought LO home?

DS#1 only gets a paci at night. He sees DS#2 with one. He keeps trying to take it from him... What do I do about this? How do I go about telling him no? Do I maybe try not to give the paci to DS#2 as much? 

Re: DS#2's first day home.. I have a couple of questions.

  • Congrats on your DS!!  What a handsome little guy!  Dont have any good advice but I have to say I am dreading this myself and this is why I haven't been pushing DD to just have her paci at sleep times.  If she gets cranky and it's not nap time I let her have one still.  I'm trying to ween her from the bottle so she needs the comfort sucking I think.  I was trying to get her off the bottle before DD#2 arrives for this reason but we'll be BFing and staying home for 5 months so I think I have some additional time :)  She's having a hard time taking milk from her sippy she expects it to contain water and when it does not she spits it out and gets angry.  She wont take juice from it either!  GL, if it were me I would just let your DS have a paci a little more often for now, he's still young.  But that might not be the right choice....who knows :)
    Snuggling after a nap! Claira 2 yrs and Sophia 11 months Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • I lucked out with DD#1 liking her little sis but she was clingy for the first week we had her.  She's getting now where she doesn't cry when I nurse DD#2 but she still tries to pick Ruth up and point to her nose (which usually ends in Hylis stabbing Ruth in the eye).  As for the paci I was told not to try to take Hylis's away with the new baby coming.  Hylis still has her paci and if Ruth doesn't really need one then I'll take hers away in a month or so.The main thing is they do get jealous of things they're not allowed.  Hylis got mad for the first week when Ruth got a bottle and so I just gave her a bottle and after sucking twice she threw it away.  I then got her a baby doll with a bottle so she can feed her baby while mommy feeds the baby.  I'm not sure if DD#1 is doing so well because she tends to be mellow and nuturing or not but I was shocked how well it's going.
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