I figure these babies will likely weigh less than my DS did (born at 38w, 7lbs, 6oz, 21 inches) I'm not sure if they'll be shorter too?
I'm debating what to do about carseats. My DS was too tall for his by 5 months because he's always been super tall (just now leveling out a little at 4 and is "only" 80th percentile. Wondering if I can expect the same for my twins early on.
Re: How tall were your twins at birth?
I don't have a previous LO to compare to, but my twins were 18 and 18.5 inches at birth. DS was too tall for his carseat at 9 months.
I would get the carrier carseats anyways - they are a live saver in the winter months (if you live somewhere cold) and that way you can take both babies to the store if you need to get out or do an errand (one in front one in back of cart in carrier).
The convertible car seats are GREAT now that my LOs can sit in a cart, hold on to me when I pick them up at the same time, etc. When they were little I couldn't have done it.
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The different types of twins and triplets
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Our boys have always been tall (especially our oldest, who has consistently been above 97%), but they were still able to stay in their infant carseats until they were about 9-10 months old. Do you mean you're thinking about going with a convertible seat right away?
Anyway, to answer your question, our ID girls did start out much shorter than our singleton boys, but have been gaining way on their percentiles at every appointment and are catching up. For example, our taller twin started off in the 40th percentile for height, but at their 6 month check she was 77% and is growing like a weed! : )
My B/G twins were born at 38 weeks 2 days.
Both of them were 21 inches.
OH I see! Yeah, our oldest is around your guy's age (turned 4 in May), and we have used his infant seat for our 2nd son and now our girls. One perk of having kids close in age! : )
maybe a dumb question, but what happens to the seats when they "expire"? if you know the seat is fine, why not use it?
They're not supposed to be used past 5 years after they were manufactured. Plastic when exposed to extreme temperatures (as they are in a car) gets micro fissures, and I think the nylon straps lose integrity too.
My DH and I are somewhat tall. Well, he's 6'3," which is decently tall, and I'm 5'8, so tall enough.
thanks, i didn't know that about the materials & temps.
dh and i are both 5'9", and the girls were tall in-utero, so i kind of knew they'd be long. they were on high-cal formula for the first 3-4mos and quickly went from underweight to almost off the charts. you just never know!
Hard to say.
Mine were 18.5 and 19 inches at birth (37 weeks) and my older son was 19 inches at birth at 39 weeks+.
Noah is already bigger than Evan was at his age by almost 2 inches!! And lily is the exact same height Evan was. You just never know.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
Evan was born at 37w6d and he was 19 inches. Kaden and Nolan were born at 36w2d and were both 18 inches.