Last night went better. She was still find of whiny in the evening, but not nearly as bad as it had been. Dh was home, so he took care of getting her settled down. She was out by 9 pm and slept in her crib for the first time since Sunday. She seemed in a really good mood this morning.
I am hoping that things continue to improve.
Re: Update on DD sleeping
I'm not sure... DD has been STTN for a while now, but on Sunday everything changed. On Sunday night she screamed her head off for 40 minutes until her throat was raw and then she just whinned for an hour or more. She finally fell asleep, but she was really restless. She was actually whinning in her sleep.
Ever since then at 6 pm she becomes a totally different person, whiney, clingey and has bouts of tensing her body, pulling her feet up and wailing. Yesterday morning I took her to the doctor's and she is medically fine. The doctor says it could be "the start of colic." I thought that we had doged that bullet, because she is 4 1/2 months old. But apparently a lot of kids start colic around 3 months, and that is what her adjusted age is.
I guess it could be a growth spurt, but it seems unlikely because while all this has been going on she has been refusing bottles. She went from a normal 33 ozs a day prior to Sunday to 21 ozs a day the last couple of days.