
what was worse the 2s or 3s?

I am so tired of tantrums and whining!!!!! He should still be napping but is not and it makes him so irritable.


Re: what was worse the 2s or 3s?

  • 3's for sure, and let me tell you 4 isn't a picnic either!  We had an awful night tonight, not listening, throwing tantrums at bed time even after we extended it 15 minutes.  Just out of control.  And he wants a brother.  Pfffffttttt....okay, devil child.


  • I just didn't have any problems in my house when dd was 2. 

    3 was a tough, tough year....I am sitting back and waiting to see what 4 is like!

    Melanie ~Ava Grace 7.20.06 & Lila Jane 7.22.09~ m/c #3 6/18/08 image
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  • 3 has been such a challenging age in our house.  Claire was awesome when she was sweet, easygoing (for the most part), just a really kind, gentle girl.  She has really been testing us, though, has gotten more rough with Jack, definitely has a mind of her own, has more energy than she knows what to do with, and tries so hard to be independent (yet still needs help with things and won't let us help her. at all.).  It has definitely been a struggle and I have lost my patience about a million times since January.  She is still a really good girl, she does really well at daycare and I never get a bad report from them, so that's good...and she never does any of this stuff to be "bad" or disobedient (for the most part), it's just that she is really testing the limits and seeing how far she can go.  I will be glad to see this stage end :)

  • The 3s are kicking my ass.
    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • Hands down 3s.  I have at least 2 days a week that I call DH or my mom in tears over DS1, feeling like an awful, failure of a parent b/c he is   I do have to say, I feel like in the last 2 weeks, things are slightly better, but, we are not out of the woods by a long shot!  Hang in there!

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • 3 is no joke. 3 sucks. 3 makes me want to jump in front of a biiiiig moving truck. 3 makes me drink. Alot. 3 makes me positive that there wont be another bun in this oven that could put me through the 3's again.
  • 3's, no contest.
    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • 3s by far, and we're only halfway through it. One month of 3 is worse than a whole year of 2. "Terrible twos" is a misnomer (in DDs case, anyway).
  • The 3's fuckingsuck
  • I loved age 2. 3 is harder. Sorry ;(
  • for me, it has been the odd years with all 3 of mine.  3 was horrible!!!
  • Neither. 4 is the worst. It's the fvcking fours.
    {Ava 5.16.06} {Ella 12.29.07} {Drew 2.9.10}
  • This post is scaring the sh!t out of me. DS is 2 and I am going out of my fvcking mind. I cannot handle anything worse than this!
  • Yup agreed with everyone else.  Ian was lovely at age 2.  Now his tantrums and screaming sometimes make me want to stick a hot poker in my ear.

    BUT - that said, he's becoming hilarious at this age.  Trying to make us laugh etc.  It's so cute.  When I take the poker out of my ear.

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fourth Birthday tickersimageimage
  • This post rocks. Me and dh are lol. And ita 3 sucks.
  • 3! The temper tantrums at 2 were just practice for the major meltdowns of 3.
    Child #1: 6 yo DD Child #2: 2yo DD
  • 4's

    eta:  someone told me once that the "terrible 2's" happen sometime between 2 and 5.  I firmly believe that.  My kid just happens to be in the "4" category.  And it sucks because she is so "grown up" now that she has the vocabulary and reasoning to fight back.

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • 3 has been worse and as we get closer to 4 its getting worse.  I was told its terrible 2's, horrible 3's and freaking 4's.  I already at times dont like her even tho I love her to death im not looking forward to 4 and a new baby.  We turn 4 Dec 11th and this baby is coming either Jan 10th or 11th.  But we got closer to 3 and it got worse we are closer to 4 and its getting worse.

  • 3s FOR SURE!  Our kids never had "terrible 2s" it was always "terrible 3s" !
    SAHM to 2 boys (3 & 16 yrs) & 2 girls (5 & 8 yrs)

    Our Angel Boy- m/c in 2007 @ 9wks due to Trisomy 17
  • I loved two. At 2.5 I really wanted to just freeze her at that sweet stage. She hits 3 as of next Friday and already hell is beginning to break loose. I am dreading having a 1 YO and 3 YO.
    Nadia Irene 8/13/07 Reid Owen 8/18/09
  • 3.    Godbless, I want to strangle this child!   3 has been sooo.freaking.dramatic.


    Give me back the "terrible" 2s anyday!

    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • Threes. Hands down.

    2 was a breeze compared to the Spawn of Satan I have living in my house right now.

  • Last week my Facebook status was: "anyone who says the 2s are terrible doesn't have a 3 year old".

    2 was paradise. 3 is hell

  • imageBubblyToes:
    3's, no contest.


  • 3's for sure. I'm really enjoying this year (DS is almost 4.5).
  • 2's were easy.  3's were hell and 4's are all about attitude and independance.

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