So, I'm co-hosting a joint party at a kids gym with a mom in DD's class because the kids are good friends and their birthdays are three days apart. We have split the invitations and I've cut a few names from my list (no big deal) because space is limited. Most of the co-guests will be from their preschool. Now the mom reminded me that several of the children have siblings.
I don't feel the need to invite siblings when space is an issue (would rather have more of DD's friends than her friends' siblings who she has never met). On top of that- when our children were invited to a classmate's party several months ago she got VERY upset that her oldest son could not attend (because of a space limit).
I'm not sure how to handle it. I'm more than happy to be the "bad guy" and let the other parents know that there isn't room for siblings. but I'm trying to figure out how to address it with my co-host. If she is not comfortable not inviting siblings then perhaps we should do seperate parties. Grrrrrrrrr.
Re: Birthday invitation etiquette- not inviting siblings?
I agree with you, but also see that it's a hard line to draw. I struggle with this with my boys parties, especially because our playgroup that started out with 11 kids my DS #1's age has now exploded to 19 now that everyone has gone through round 2, and starting on round 3.
I'm also throwing a party with one of the playgroup moms next month for DS #2, and while this won't be much of an issue because we are doing it at a park, I could see this being a deal-breaker in a similar situation. I'd be very nice about it, but state that you'd rather be able to invite actual friends of your DD than siblings that she does not know. If the other mom isn't ok with it, then I would amicably throw separate parties, no harm done.