
Son fell off my bed and bumped his head...

Hi ladies,

My 1 1/2 yr old was sleeping in our bed last night. He ended up rolling off our bed and bumping his head. He has a good size bump on the top of his head, no other signs of falling on his body. He cried for a good 5 minutes, I consolled him and he eventually fell asleep in my arms.

This morning he wakes up as happy as can be and only when you touch his bump he says "ouch!" My hubby says he is fine, especially since he is acting like himself. I am just a worry bug! Should I take him to the Dr. for piece of mind. Will they even give him an x-ray?



Re: Son fell off my bed and bumped his head...

  • He's probably fine. Our pedi said that bumps on the head are normal, and unless they are acting out of sorts (lethargic, trouble focusing, etc.), that it's probably nothing to be concerned about. I took DS in once for a head bump at age 3, but he was dizzy, fell over, and his eyes rolled back in his head. The ER doc was barely concerned about that.

    Unless you are sleeping in a bunk bed, I would say he's okay Stick out tongue

  • My 1.5 year old fell down an entire flight of stairs onto a slate tiled floor.  He had a bump and bruise too...scared me.  But a bump on the outside is a good thing (right now I can't remember why) and if he is alert and acting himself, he is almost certainly totally fine.

    Kids can fall and be ok.  If you are worried, I would call the doc's office and ask them the same thing.

    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
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  • just watch him. probably fine.  if I went to the pedi every time a child fell off a bed, I'd be broke. it's only just begun... my son is almost 3 and he's nuts.  the jumping, the tumbling, the craziness.  many bruises in your future. 


    for reference....  if he's either lethargic or unresponsive or fussing and doesn't settle after a few minutes,  won't eat/drink, not walking/crawling like normal/seems less coordinated, any drainage from the ears/nose, pupils look different, complaints of a persistent headache (for a peanut so little, fussiness that you cannot console is generally a good sign) = er.  

    in general, let him be... most crappy stuff happens in the first few hours. 

  • I had a similar situation last night. My 1-1/2 year old was running, tripped, and knocked his head pretty good against the door frame of the bathroom. Almost immediately, he got a big goose egg and started crying. I called the pedi on call, she said to watch him for one hour (this was right before bedtime, so I kept him up with me) and if he was acting like his usual self, he was probably fine. Also had to check on him a couple times during the night. But he's his usual self today. And fortunately, the goose egg has gone down and now he's just got a nasty bruise. 

    Anyway, the stuff the PP have mentioned is what the doctor told me as well.  

  • and couldn't get up in the morning...

    (sorry, I agree with PP and think he's ok)

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