1st Trimester

Lifesavers are awesome.

... they seem to really help with the gross nausea.  
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The Mouse ~ 06.12.08 | The Froggy ~ 02.23.11


Re: Lifesavers are awesome.

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    yep mine are Jolly Ranchers lol but right there with you.
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    ::adds to grocery list for today::

    I tried Jolly Ranchers last time and they seemed to help a bit too.

    "If you find a mate in life, you should be loyal. In your case, grateful."
    SAHM to two sweet girls, both born at home; Baby #3 in 2013!
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    I'm eating pretzels at the moment...today has been the worst yet! ugh!
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    I tried Jolly Ranchers, but I have to answer the phone a lot at work, and having a huge JR in my mouth made that difficult, lol.  
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    The Mouse ~ 06.12.08 | The Froggy ~ 02.23.11

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    When I was pg with dd I ate Lifesavers and Dum Dum suckers all of the time!

    Clomid M/C 8 weeks 2/08 *IVF #1-DD born 3/09
    *Surprise BFP-T18 baby lost at 13w 1/10 *FET #1-DS born 2/11
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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    Now I'm craving lifesavers!
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    Yumm lifesavers work for me too!
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    Sour Balls work really good as well. 
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    yeah I was do the same thing with Wint-o-green lifesavers. They really seemed to help for a while but now the strong mint flavor seems to bother me. Oh well. I tried preggie pops too but some of the flavors just seem gross to me. :)

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    Ladies!  Candies are artificial, and nothing artificial should be entering you body, especially with a baby inside!  All of those artificial flavors and colors are extremely toxic and can cause ADD/ADHA and even autism in children.  Opt for all-natural candies or suck on ginger cubes (which also help with constipation.)  :)
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    I've been eating saf-t-pops like crazy because that's what I have, but OMG, they have been awesome!  I need to buy some life savers.  But only red and orange...
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    Ladies!  Candies are artificial, and nothing artificial should be entering you body, especially with a baby inside!  All of those artificial flavors and colors are extremely toxic and can cause ADD/ADHA and even autism in children.  Opt for all-natural candies or suck on ginger cubes (which also help with constipation.)  :)

    I'm just having a hard time deciphering sarcasm...right?  I believe in scratch cooking, limiting pesticides, etc, but this just made me LMAO.

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    Ladies!  Candies are artificial, and nothing artificial should be entering you body, especially with a baby inside!  All of those artificial flavors and colors are extremely toxic and can cause ADD/ADHA and even autism in children.  Opt for all-natural candies or suck on ginger cubes (which also help with constipation.)  :)

    Ginger cubes are nasty, I tried them when I was pg and now the thought of them makes me shudder.

    Please tell me you are not serious about candy causes autism.

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    Ladies!  Candies are artificial, and nothing artificial should be entering you body, especially with a baby inside!  All of those artificial flavors and colors are extremely toxic and can cause ADD/ADHA and even autism in children.  Opt for all-natural candies or suck on ginger cubes (which also help with constipation.)  :)

    You meant to end this with, "and your baby will probably come out cherry-flavored, too!!"... right? Because you can't actually be serious? Hmm

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    It's these opinions that make me cherish the holistic moms network even more.  No need to get defensive/snooty; I am only trying to help.  The premise of good nutrition- if it's artificial, keep it out of your body.  There are many books/websites on the topic that make the concept very easy to understand (Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About, Detox Diets for Dummies, Healthy Child, Healthy World, and much more.)  If you do not believe in such a perspective, than that is your perogative.  :)

    A snippet of info:  Commonly used food dyes, such as Yellow 5, Red 40, and six others, are made from petroleum and pose a ?rainbow of risks.? Those risks include hyperactivity in children, cancer and allergic reactions. In 2008, because of the problem of hyperactivity, the Center for Science in the Public Interest petitioned the Food and Drug Administration to ban the use of these dyes. The British government and European Union have taken actions that are virtually ending the use of dyes throughout Europe.

    Food dyes also serve to deceive consumers: they are often used to simulate the presence of healthful, colorful fruits and vegetables. But considering the adverse impact of these chemicals on children, and considering how easily they can be replaced with safe, natural ingredients, it's time to get rid of them altogether from the United States and Canada.

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    So, I shouldn't eat lifesavers exclusively?  Should I throw some other foods in there too?
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    Also, I didn't read anything defensive or snooty coming from those replying to you.  It was humor.

     ETA: My mistake, it was sarcasm, not humor.  Pregnancy brain chose the wrong word, or was it the lifesavers?

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    It's these opinions that make me cherish the holistic moms network even more.  No need to get defensive/snooty; I am only trying to help.  The premise of good nutrition- if it's artificial, keep it out of your body.  There are many books/websites on the topic that make the concept very easy to understand (Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About, Detox Diets for Dummies, Healthy Child, Healthy World, and much more.)  If you do not believe in such a perspective, than that is your perogative.  :)

    A snippet of info:  Commonly used food dyes, such as Yellow 5, Red 40, and six others, are made from petroleum and pose a ?rainbow of risks.? Those risks include hyperactivity in children, cancer and allergic reactions. In 2008, because of the problem of hyperactivity, the Center for Science in the Public Interest petitioned the Food and Drug Administration to ban the use of these dyes. The British government and European Union have taken actions that are virtually ending the use of dyes throughout Europe.

    Food dyes also serve to deceive consumers: they are often used to simulate the presence of healthful, colorful fruits and vegetables. But considering the adverse impact of these chemicals on children, and considering how easily they can be replaced with safe, natural ingredients, it's time to get rid of them altogether from the United States and Canada.

    All of this info is well and good, and while I agree with most of it, your above argument that it can cause ADD/ADHD/Autism is totally alarmist.

    If women pop a livesaver throughout the day to keep from throwing up, so be it.  Ginger candy made me throw up, so I'm not going to eat it.  If the rest of my diet is good, I highly doubt that a piece of hard candy several times during the day is going to give my baby autism.  Nobody above said that they were ONLY eating lifesavers/jolly ranchers.  Then you might have an argument.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker imageimage
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    It's these opinions that make me cherish the holistic moms network even more.  No need to get defensive/snooty; I am only trying to help.  The premise of good nutrition- if it's artificial, keep it out of your body.  There are many books/websites on the topic that make the concept very easy to understand (Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About, Detox Diets for Dummies, Healthy Child, Healthy World, and much more.)  If you do not believe in such a perspective, than that is your perogative.  :)

    A snippet of info:  Commonly used food dyes, such as Yellow 5, Red 40, and six others, are made from petroleum and pose a ?rainbow of risks.? Those risks include hyperactivity in children, cancer and allergic reactions. In 2008, because of the problem of hyperactivity, the Center for Science in the Public Interest petitioned the Food and Drug Administration to ban the use of these dyes. The British government and European Union have taken actions that are virtually ending the use of dyes throughout Europe.

    Food dyes also serve to deceive consumers: they are often used to simulate the presence of healthful, colorful fruits and vegetables. But considering the adverse impact of these chemicals on children, and considering how easily they can be replaced with safe, natural ingredients, it's time to get rid of them altogether from the United States and Canada.

    oh your fun.


    i just drink a lot of booze.

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    It's these opinions that make me cherish the holistic moms network even more.  No need to get defensive/snooty; I am only trying to help.  The premise of good nutrition- if it's artificial, keep it out of your body.  There are many books/websites on the topic that make the concept very easy to understand (Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About, Detox Diets for Dummies, Healthy Child, Healthy World, and much more.)  If you do not believe in such a perspective, than that is your perogative.  :)

    A snippet of info:  Commonly used food dyes, such as Yellow 5, Red 40, and six others, are made from petroleum and pose a ?rainbow of risks.? Those risks include hyperactivity in children, cancer and allergic reactions. In 2008, because of the problem of hyperactivity, the Center for Science in the Public Interest petitioned the Food and Drug Administration to ban the use of these dyes. The British government and European Union have taken actions that are virtually ending the use of dyes throughout Europe.

    Food dyes also serve to deceive consumers: they are often used to simulate the presence of healthful, colorful fruits and vegetables. But considering the adverse impact of these chemicals on children, and considering how easily they can be replaced with safe, natural ingredients, it's time to get rid of them altogether from the United States and Canada.

    oh your fun.


    i just drink a lot of booze.

    Will you marry me?

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    I fear you may have accidentally detoxed your sense of humor right out of your system, too. Not to mention tact...

    I'm all for making healthy choices. But don't waltz onto a board with 9 posts to your name and tell people that sucking on a Jolly Rancher in the first trimester is possibly going to give their kid autism, then get all offended when we find the randomness of your PSA a teeny bit amusing.

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    remember the "i do research as a hobby" girl telling us about pig aids and the swine flu and wondering "why don't you want to save the baybehs!!!!11"


    :wipes tear:


    my first pg the only thing i could keep down was grilled cheese with that nasty plastic american cheese (that contains zomg orange dye). it's amazing my dd made it out alive.

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    remember the "i do research as a hobby" girl telling us about pig aids and the swine flu and wondering "why don't you want to save the baybehs!!!!11"


    :wipes tear:


    my first pg the only thing i could keep down was grilled cheese with that nasty plastic american cheese (that contains zomg orange dye). it's amazing my dd made it out alive.

    Was that stove stamp?

    I might be able to top you.  I was only able to eat ham and turkey subs from subway.  ohnoesthelisteria!!!!!!

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    remember the "i do research as a hobby" girl telling us about pig aids and the swine flu and wondering "why don't you want to save the baybehs!!!!11"


    :wipes tear:


    my first pg the only thing i could keep down was grilled cheese with that nasty plastic american cheese (that contains zomg orange dye). it's amazing my dd made it out alive.

    Yeah, I'm wondering how her tune will change when she hits 6 weeks and the m/s kicks in, and she opens that fridge filled with perfect, non-artificial foods and all she really wants is a DQ Blizzard. With a side of fries.


    Also, I gave my real live baby a sno-cone yesterday. Do you think I should be watching for any particular signs of distress? Her attention span HAS seemed particularly short lately........

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    remember the "i do research as a hobby" girl telling us about pig aids and the swine flu and wondering "why don't you want to save the baybehs!!!!11"


    :wipes tear:


    my first pg the only thing i could keep down was grilled cheese with that nasty plastic american cheese (that contains zomg orange dye). it's amazing my dd made it out alive.


    well, she looks so much better now that you've had her second head removed. ;)


    we should be warning people about the dangers of plastic cheese. It's way worse than pasteurized feta!  

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    I'm not trying to 'argue'...simply, I am trying to shed light on what is obviously a sensitive subject.  No one wants to be told that what they are consuming could be harmful to their unborn.  As a nutritionist, I am very familiar with the following 'sarcasm' (not humor.)  And I am not implying that the candy alone IS going to cause brain disorders.  It is best to avoid consumng anything artificial, and as always, everything in moderation.  The End.  Zip it!
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    So, I shouldn't eat lifesavers exclusively?  Should I throw some other foods in there too?

    I think that's what she's saying. Like if you cut down to say 11 packs of lifesavers a day, you're doing a world of good.

    If not your baby will get diseases. She seems super aware.

    image Josephine is 4.
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    I'm not trying to 'argue'...simply, I am trying to shed light on what is obviously a sensitive subject.  No one wants to be told that what they are consuming could be harmful to their unborn.  As a nutritionist, I am very familiar with the following 'sarcasm' (not humor.)  And I am not implying that the candy alone IS going to cause brain disorders.  It is best to avoid consumng anything artificial, and as always, everything in moderation.  The End.  Zip it!


    yep. you hear that, totty? Stop eating the candies and puke your guts out instead. Because keeping nothing down at all and getting dehydrated is SO much better for your baby than a couple of candies.


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    Food dyes also serve to deceive consumers: they are often used to simulate the presence of healthful, colorful fruits and vegetables. But considering the adverse impact of these chemicals on children, and considering how easily they can be replaced with safe, natural ingredients, it's time to get rid of them altogether from the United States and Canada.

    WHAT???!!!! You mean just b/c they're red and green doesn't mean I'm eating an ACTUAL cherry or lime???? Damn...I thought all fruit was hard and donut-shaped.

    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Food dyes also serve to deceive consumers: they are often used to simulate the presence of healthful, colorful fruits and vegetables. But considering the adverse impact of these chemicals on children, and considering how easily they can be replaced with safe, natural ingredients, it's time to get rid of them altogether from the United States and Canada.

    WHAT???!!!! You mean just b/c they're red and green doesn't mean I'm eating an ACTUAL cherry or lime???? Damn...I thought all fruit was hard and donut-shaped.

     Wait, so you are saying that the yellow runt I ate earlier was not an actual banana?  Is that why my children look like this? 

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    ::takes a puff off of Marlboro and another swig of Miller Lite::

    Quit being a p.u.s.s.y. Who says pregnancy has to be boring?

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    i fully intend to print this thread out and show my nutritionist at my next appointment.  i'm pretty sure she'll dye of laughter. 

    i find it hilarious that this chick doesn't realize we all know that artificial colors and sweeteners aren't really the most stellar food choices.   however, no one here is substituting green life savers for spinach, lol.


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     however, no one here is substituting green life savers for spinach, lol.


    are you trying to tell me that they're NOT an ok substitute for spinach?



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     however, no one here is substituting green life savers for spinach, lol.

    are you trying to tell me that they're NOT an ok substitute for spinach?



     only if it's a spinach flavored life-saver. and it's not green.  i think that was the lesson i was supposed to take away from this thread. 

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    i fully intend to print this thread out and show my nutritionist at my next appointment.  i'm pretty sure she'll dye of laughter. 

    i find it hilarious that this chick doesn't realize we all know that artificial colors and sweeteners aren't really the most stellar food choices.   however, no one here is substituting green life savers for spinach, lol.


    FML.  At least you tell me this now before I ruin this baby forever!

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