I am so excited. I know I should've pulled B out last year, maybe even two years ago but her friends are all there. Anyway, I just got fed up with the place and finally decided to pull her out. She'll be starting her new place after Labor Day, she'll be done with this place the last week of August and I can't wait. I'm so excited to see all the wonderful things she'll be learning. I think she is going to get so much out of this place.
I know her daycare provider will be a little shocked at the news today but she has really let her place go. Unfortunetly a lot of the kids B has been there with since they were all babies are leaving this year.
Re: So excited! We tell daycare today B is out of there!
thanks Belle! I think she's going to love it for sure.
So have you told A yet about not going away with her "DAD"
ugh, I'm sorry. We are always the bad guy but someday she'll understand! Hugs!
HEY Stranger! How the hell are you?
wait did I already know you are PG? I can't remember. In any case, congratulations!!! How are you feeling and when are you due?
I am still tired just about everyday. Never been a fan of being pregnant. I honestly don't mind deliverying (Trina made it seem so easy - fingers crossed this time around) though.
I am due Jan 17 - 1 month 1 day before Trina turns 5. She is so excited. Tells me all the time that she is ready to be a big sister & has accepted that the baby could be a boy - lol! Gotta love her! We find out 9/1.
How are you doing?
So exciting! I'm sure Trina will love him/her!
We are good, we've been pretty busy this summer.